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Jayda's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed, for the second time in a week. I looked to the side, and saw my dad asleep in a chair.

"Dad." I said. He moved in the chair, and looked over at me.

"Jay." He responded. He came over and hugged me tight.

"Ow." I spoke up after a while. Dad apologised, and sat back in his chair. "What did I miss?"

He explained about the fight with the Ghoulies, and how everyone thought I was dead. Correction, everyone still thought I was still dead. 

Technically, I did die. I died on the operating table, but they managed to get my heart started again.

And, how Jug had offered himself as a sacrifice. Dad told me how most of the trailers had burned, and ours was one of the only ones that survived. 

He also told me that the Serpents don't exist anymore.

"Your friends are all outside, for Jug." Dad explained.

"You know what would be funny. If you sent them in one by one, and pretend this is Jughead's room." I smirked.

"That's my girl." Dad replied, and ruffled my hair. Dad left to send the first person in, and I moved my bed up, so I was sitting up.

The first in was Sweet Pea.

"Oh my God." He said, and dropped the stuff he was carrying. I smiled at him. He ran over to me, and pulled me into his arms.

"I love you so much." He kept repeating.

"I love you too, but you're hurting me." I explained.

"I'm sorry." Sweet Pea said. I motioned for him to come into the bed with me, and he did. I rested my head on his chest.

"We all thought you were dead." He told me.

"I did die." I responded, simply.

"Wait, what?" He questioned, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, on the table, but they got my heart started again." I explained. "What happened to your eye?"

"The Ghoulies." He answered. He kissed my head. I looked up at him.

"I think you missed." I pouted. He smiled at me, and kissed me on the lips. Then, the door opened with the next person. Fangs.

"Jay!" He exclaimed. He ran over to me, and hugged me, then took the seat that Dad was previously sat in.

"I thought you died." Fangs told me.

"I did." I replied. Fangs' smile drooped.

"She died on the table." Sweet Pea explained.

"I still can't believe that you took that bullet for me." Fangs said, with tears running down his cheeks.

"If you'd gotten shot, we all know that you would've died, as I'm much stronger than all of you." I smiled.

"Yeah, right." Fangs rolled his eyes.

"I am." I pouted. Then, the door opened with the next person. Toni Topaz.

"Oh, my God. You're alive!" Toni exclaimed. It was the same as the last conversation, I told her that I'd died on the table. Then, my doctor came in.

"Miss. Jones. Can I speak to you, alone?" the doctor asked me. 

"Sure." I answered. All my friends said goodbye, but the doctor stopped Toni before she could leave.

"You can stay." The doctor told her. Toni was confused, but came to my side. She gripped my hand, and I smiled at her.

"What is it, doctor?" I asked the doctor. She sighed.

"Miss. Jones, did you know you were pregnant before the incident?" She asked me. My face fell. Pregnant? How could I be pregnant? 

I felt the tears run down my cheeks.

"You lost too much blood." The doctor explained. The tears continued to fall. I didn't even hear the doctor leave.

"Jay..." Toni trailed off. She hugged me tight. "It's okay." 

"It's not okay." I argued. "I killed my baby."


A few days later, Jughead had woken up, and came into my room.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" I laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny." He replied, sarcastically, and rolled his eyes. He sat on the end of my bed, and I sat up better, wincing in pain.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. For someone who got shot a few days ago." I answered. "Are you okay? How's Betty?" It had turned out, that it was Betty's dad who was the Black Hood. 

"I'm good." Jughead responded. "Betty's okay. She's not gonna come to school for a few days."

"Understandable." I nodded. I sighed. I needed to tell Jug. "Jug, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Jughead asked me.

"I-I was p-pregnant. B-but I l-lost it w-when I was sh-shot." I stammered. The tears ran down my cheeks again.

Jughead pulled me into a hug, and whispered comforting words in my ear. He made me feel better.

We talked for a little bit longer, until, my doctor came in the room, beside my father, and Sweet Pea. 

I needed to tell Sweet Pea.

"Miss. Jones. You're free to go." The doctor announced. Dad gave me a fresh set of clothes, and the doctor began reading out my restrictions.

I wasn't allowed to drive, go on a motorcycle, or put myself in dangerous situations. Also, she advised for me to have no sexual activity, or put myself in emotional peril, whatever that means.

The doctor left the room, and I struggled to pull myself out the bed. They helped me into the bathroom, where I got changed (which was a struggle) and went to the toilet. 

When I opened the door, Dad handed me a pair of crutches.

Dad drove us all to school, after arguing about the fact that I actually wanted to go to school.

The second I set foot inside the school, everyone's eyes were on me. It was the middle of the school day, so everyone was in between classes. 

I wondered what lesson I had now, then sighed, when I realised.

"Chemistry." I said under my breath. 

"It'll be fine." Sweet Pea soothed, and we walked together down the hall to the chemistry classroom.

By the time we go there, we were late, as I takes me a while to walk in crutches. Everyone's eyes we on me again. I 'walked' over to my seat, next to Reggie Mantle.

"What happened?" Reggie asked me, but he already knew.

"You know what fucking happened." I snapped. I winced in pain as I sat on the stool. "If Andrews hadn't tackled you, this could've been you who did this to me." 

He didn't reply, he just turned his attention to the board.

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