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Jayda's POV

The two-week winter break was over before we knew it. It was back to school, our crappy school. 

I sat with Sweet Pea and Fangs at our lunch table, when we got a big surprise. The intercom began to tell us some great news.

"Students of Southside High School. As of today, the school will be officially closing. You'll all be transferred to the nearby high school's, including Riverdale High, and Seaside High. Have a nice rest of the day, you are all free to go."

"What does this mean?" Fangs questioned.

"It means we're going to school on the Northside." I explained. All the Serpents and I headed outside, because, why wouldn't we?

Sweet Pea and Fangs kicked the doors open, both laughing and shouting, grabbing the attention of Toni and Jughead who were sitting on the ledge.

"What's going on?" Jughead asked, standing up. Serpents started pouring out behind us.

"This hellhole's offically closed. We're done. No more Southside High." Sweet Pea answered, happily.

"What? How?" Toni asked us.

"They say, it's dangerous, it's getting quarantined. Or something like that." Sweet Pea responded. "Who cares? We're all going to different schools."

"This doesn't make sense. Where are you guys going?" Jughead asked.

"Same as, you, and you, and Jay, and Fangs." Sweet Pea replied, nodding to each of us in turn. "We're going to Riverdale High." He turned to Fangs. "Think of all those Northside heads to knock."

Fangs and Sweet Pea started play-fighting as they walked down the stairs.

"They are so weird." I said to Jughead and Toni.


Jughead and I went to talk with Dad at Pop's.

"Mayor McCoy has deemed Southside High a public health hazard, due to the toxic fumes from the methamphetamine lab in the basement." Jughead read out, before scrunching the paper up.

"There was no meth, just Jingle-Jangle." I said, annoyed.

"So, the worm turns, and it's back to Riverdale High, huh?" Dad pointed out.

"The way all of this went down, something smells fishy." Jughead said, ignoring Dad's last statement.

"Damn straight, something smells fishy." Dad responded. "You not wanting to admit the real reason you don't wanna go back."

"What do you mean?" Jughead asked. The Pop's bell sounded.

"Oh, she just walked through the door." I said, making Jug turn around. "That's our cue." Dad and I walked away so he could talk to Betty.

"So, what do you think about going to Riverdale High?" Dad asked me, as I slid onto a barstool.

"I dunno, it's a high school. I'll get through it." I responded.


The next day, our first day at Riverdale High. I got dressed into a black tank top, black jeans, black combat boots, and my Serpent jacket.

 I got dressed into a black tank top, black jeans, black combat boots, and my Serpent jacket

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"You nervous?" Sweet Pea asked me, as we stood outside.

"Hell no!" I responded, making him laugh. We all walked into the school, led by Jughead and me. 

We walked down the hallway, getting many stares, but breezed past, ignoring them. Veronica we standing behind a table, with lots of information on. I rolled my eyes.

"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school." Veronica began, obviously fake smiling at us. "To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

"Stand down, Eva Peron." came the familiar voice of Cheryl Blossom. She came down the stairs with Reggie, the football team, and the cheerleading squad. I rolled my eyes, only Cheryl would do something like this.

"There's the school spirit, I so fondly remember." Jughead commented.

"Cheryl, no-one invited Fascist Barbie to the party." Veronica said.

"Wrong, Veronica. No-one invited Southside scum to our school." Cheryl responded.

"Actually, your principal did. That's why we're here." I pointed out, and crossed my arms.

Cheryl ignored me and carried on talking. "Listen up, ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer, because of classrooms that are overcrowded with, underachievers." I rolled my eyes. Just assume we're dumb because we grew up on the Southside.

"So, please, do us all a favor, and find some other to debase with your hardscrabble ways." Cheryl concluded.

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Toni snapped, and moved out of the crowd. 

"Happily, Queen of the Buskers." Cheryl retorted back.

"Okay, guys. Everyone." Archie said, moving to stand between the two groups. "Can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?"

"You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews." Reggie argued. "And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place, trying to kick your ass." 

"Which we did very well, if I remember correctly." I retorted, very annoyed.

"And we're happy to finish what we started." Sweet Pea backed me up with. He took a step forward, but was pulled back by Jughead and Toni.

"I swear to God, I'm so over the toxicness of this hallway right now." Veronica said, loudly.

"All right, that's enough pomp and circumstance." the principal declared. "Everyone get to class. Now."


We all grabbed our class schedules, and went to our first class. First, I had chemistry with Sweet Pea, which was good.

"I'm not having a class with those snakes." Reggie argued, as we walked in, along with Crash and Roza, who were also in this class.

"Suck it up, Reggie." I replied, and sat down.

"Before we begin, I have set your new lab partners." the teacher announced. His name was Dr. Beaker, as I read from the chalkboard. I groaned, I'm gonna be stuck with a stuck up Northsider for the rest of the year.

"Roza Diaz (A/N ha, Brooklyn nine-nine reference), and Dilton Doiley." Dr Beaker said, and pointed to Dilton, who was sitting at the back. I zoned out, until I heard my name mentioned. "Jayda Jones, and Reggie Mantle." I groaned, and stood up. 

"Good luck." Sweet Pea whispered to me, and I hit him in the back of the head to shut him up.

"Hell no, you've gotta give me a new partner, Dr. Beaker." Reggie complained, and I sat down next to him.

"I'm afraid these partners are final, Reggie." Dr. Beaker responded. The rest of the lesson was boring. Our subject was the periodic table.

"So, Jones. You related to Jughead Jones?" Reggie asked me, as we wrote notes.

"Yeah, he's my twin brother." I responded, and I continued to scribble down what Dr. Beaker was saying. If I was going to be stuck with Reggie, we might as well be civil. For now.

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