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Jayda's POV

Today was Jughead's first offical day at Southside High. I got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, a black and white striped t-shirt, black combat boots, my beanie, and my Serpent jacket.  

Toni and I volunteered to give Jughead the tour

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Toni and I volunteered to give Jughead the tour. Toni and I waited by some lockers, and watched Jughead go through the metal detector.

"Consider yourself lucky, he never takes that hat off." I said to Toni, as we watched Jug throw his beanie down.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III." Toni said, taking a picture of him. 

"Uh... it's Jughead, actually." he responded, and threw his hat back on his head.

"I'm Toni Topaz." she said.

"And, I'm guessing you already know me, your dear twin sister." I joked.

"We were supposed to give you the full animatronic tour of Southside High, but some of the robots went insane and started killing the guests, so, we'll just wing it." Toni started the tour with.

"The classrooms don't have WiFi, the bathroom stalls don't have doors," I said, as we walked down a stairway.

"What about the school paper, The Red and Black?" Jughead asked us. Classic, loves writing, that kid.

"Yeah, no longer exists." I answered.

"Censorship? Budget cuts? Take your pick." Toni added. We passed a group of Ghoulies taking drugs.

"To your right, you'll find a rare glimpse of Jingle-Jangle being consumed in its natural habitat." I said, gesturing to my right.

"I'm sorry, 'Jingle-Jangle'?" Jughead asked.

"This place is crawling with the JJ." Toni responded. "A highly addictive, total gutter drug."

"So, let's not touch that." I added.

"Jingle-Jangle. Fasinating." Jughead muttered.

"It's really not," I replied. "It's sugar, mixed with a random street drug, easy."

We then reached the Cafetorium.

"Here in the Cafetorium, the Ghoulies sit over there." Toni said, and pointed to her left. "Rival gang, drug dealers, street racers, rumors of cannibalism."

"Don't ask." I added, then Toni carried on.

"And, we sit over there. With the Serpents." she said. 

"You're a Southside Serpent?" Jughead asked Toni, confused.

"Why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour? Come on." she responded.

"Actually, I'm gonna sit alone. Just, you know, finish my book and brood." he said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm confused." Toni stated. "Aren't you a Serpent by blood? The son of FP Jones? The twin brother of Jayda Jones?"

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