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A/N Flashbacks in Italics

Jughead's POV

I woke up the next morning, when Dad came in after an all night search. I immediately sat up.

"Any new leads?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"No, get to school." He said, before grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Dad..." I trailed off. This is what he did when Mom and Jellybean left, turn to the drink. Remembering that, I realised, I needed to tell Mom her daughter was missing.

I dialled her number of my phone, and she finally answered.

"Hey Mom," I said.

"Hey Jug, are you okay?" she asked, obviously hearing the sadness in my voice.

"I am. But... Jayda's gone missing." I answered.

"Oh, okay. Let me know if you find her." Mom responded, and hung up. I got out of my "bed" (aka the couch), got dressed, and headed to school.

I hadn't spoken to anyone since Jayda went missing, ignoring their messages and calls. I only talked to Betty. She knew about it, and knew I didn't want to talk about it.

I walked into the school, feeling the empty presence next to me. I usually walked to school with Jayda. I just put my headphones on, and tried to ignore it.

"Jug, are you okay?" Betty asked me. I took my headphones off.

"I'm fine." I insisted. We sat on a couch, and I tried to ignore everyone.

"Juggie stop!" she yelled as I tickled her.

"Never!" I said. We were six years old, and in our treehouse.

"I said stop!" she yelled, and pushed me. I fell out the treehouse, and landed on the floor on my arm.

"Ow!" I had screamed out. She climbed down the ladder, and kneeled down next to me.

"Jug, Jughead!" she said, paranoid. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Mom! Quick! Juggie's hurt!"

I smiled at her, but my arm still really hurt.


Sweet Pea's POV

"What were you doing with him?" I asked her, angrily.

"Nothing. We were just working on our chemistry project." She argued back.

"That's not what it looked like." I insisted.

"Well, that's all it was." she snapped. "I don't get annoyed at you, or yell at you when you have to work on a History project with Toni."

"But that's different." 

"What's different!"

"She and I are just friends!"

"Then, why do you assume Reggie and I aren't just friends!" she snapped. "You know what? I can't deal with you right now." 

She grabbed her stuff, and left.

"Wait, Jay!" I called after her. But, she'd already gone.

I didn't want to go to school today. But, Fangs and Toni had forced me. I walked into Chemistry class, and it pained me to do so. All I could think about was our argument two days ago.

Reggie was looking at me when I walked in.

"Oh, where's Jayda?" he asked. He stood up from the desk he was leaning on and faced me. "Looks like you broke up then. I guess my plan worked."

I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved him, and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground. I climbed on top of him and continued to punch him in the face.

I was pulled off him by the other Serpents.

"It's your fault. It's your fault she's gone." I yelled, trying to lunge at him again. But, Crash and Roza continued to pull me backwards.

"Sweet Pea stop." Crash said. I shoved him off of me, and left the classroom. I knew, deep down, this was all my fault. If I hadn't have got jealous, she never would have gone out that night, and she never would have gone missing.


Fangs' POV

I had to go to our basketball practice alone. It was lonely. Sweet Pea had gone home, and Jayda was missing.

I walked into the gym, usually accompanied by Sweet Pea and Jayda, but not today.

"Seriously, where is Jayda?" Reggie asked, quietly to his friends, but I heard. Reggie had cuts and bruises on his face.

"Let's start practice." Coach Clayton announced. He saw me standing alone. "Fangs? Where are Jayda and Sweet Pea?" 

"Sweet Pea went home, and Jayda is... Jayda is..." I trailed off. I couldn't say it out loud. My best friend since I was five had gone missing.

"Jayda's where?" Reggie asked, rather annoyed no one was telling him.

"I don't know." I said, shrugging to hide my sadness.

"What do you mean? 'You don't know'" Reggie questioned.

"I don't know!" I repeated, louder, angrier. "No one has seen her in two days." 

That shut him up.

"So, that's why Sweet Pea attacked me." Reggie mumbled, but I still heard him.

"I gotta go." I ran out the gym, and back into the locker room. Where I broke down.

"Fangs!" she yelled at me. I turned around, only to be met with a snowball to the face.

"Oh, you're dead!" I had yelled back. I picked up a ball of snow, and threw it at her. 

"Toni! Toni, help me!" she called out. Toni ran to her side, and started throwing snow at me too.

"Sweet Pea, help me!" I yelled, and he helped me.

We were twelve at the time, and it was a moment I'd remember forever.


Toni's POV

"Why do you have pink hair? That's so ugly!" the boy tormented.

"What did you say?!" she had said, and punched the bully clean in the cheek.

"What the..?" the boy tried to say, but was met with another punch.

"You wanna say that again?!" she asked. The boy shook his head, and ran away.

She had always protected me, when I was too scared to fight by myself.

 I was crying, a lot now. I saw Fangs come over to me, he had tears in his eyes too.

"Were you?" I asked. 

"Yeah." He responded, and sat down next to me. He hugged me tightly.


Jayda's POV

As I was being beaten into making a choice, I kept thinking about all my friends. I wondered if they were thinking about me, or even if they had noticed I was missing.

"So? Have you changed your mind, yet?" Jake asked me, having a break from punching me. I coughed out blood onto the floor.

"I will never be with you. Never." I said, and my reward was another punch to the face.

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