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Jayda's POV

"You promised us a war, and then you're on stage looking like Buddy Holly, sucking up to the Northside?" Sweet Pea tore into Jughead.

"We need those votes, Sweet Pea. It's the only way we can affect any change." Jughead countered. "Whoever's elected gets a seat on the school board. That means we're on the inside, that means that they can't silence us."

"You and the Northside Princess, you mean." Fangs stated, and we all turned to Betty, who was sitting at a desk.

"Wait, is that why you guys are pissed? Betty's on our side." Jughead replied.

"Yeah, I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions." Betty agreed. "I-I helped find Pickens statue's head. I got Cheryl to testify in court so FP, your king, could get early parole--"

"You did all that for your boyfriend, not the Serpents." Sweet Pea snapped.

"Alright. Take it down, Sweet Pea." Jughead retorted.

"What?" Sweet Pea snapped back. "It's only a matter of time before she bails on us, just like her mother." 

"Okay, so your objections aren't even about me, they're about my mom." Betty exclaimed.

"Her legacy. She's an enemy of the Serpent state." Sweet Pea declared. "Taking shots at us in The Register for years. Blaming us for crimes we didn't even commit."

"Running with the turncoat's daughter, is a slap in the face." He added. "And for that reason alone, you're not getting the Serpent vote."

Jughead turned to me, sending a look that asked if I was going to do anything.

"I'm not going to argue with that." I shrugged. It was true, Alice bailed on us. And, I'm not going to disagree with the Serpents on that one.


I walked into the gym, and saw Veronica, Josie and Toni talking worriedly.

"What do you mean, Cheryl's missing?" Veronica asked. Oh shit.

"Do remember how paranoid Cheryl was at her slumber party?" Toni asked. "Saying that her mom and uncle were out to get her? Well, I think they did something to her."

"What kind of something?" I asked, and approached the group.

"Her mom said they sent her off to some all-girls boarding school in Switzerland." Toni answered.

"Well, that's easy to check. There's only one, Surval Montreux." Veronica stated. I lightly laughed.

"Only you, would know that." I commented. She rolled her eyes at me, and turned back to Toni.

"And, please. If Cherry was in the Swiss Alps, she'd be posting parka selfies every hour." I added.

"But her social media's been dead for days." Toni pointed out.

"Wait. That's a sure sign of foul play." Veronica replied. "Whatever you need, Toni. I'm in."

"Me too." Josie said. "Even if we have to storm Thistlehouse."

"I'm in." I agreed.


Later that day, was my first basketball match. I'd missed the first one because I was... you know. It was against Centerville High.

We walked onto the court, and smiled at Jughead and my dad who were watching from the bleachers. 

The other team all looked at me, as I made my way onto the court. I simply rolled my eyes at them, and got into my position. 

After I'd scored a few baskets, I started getting glares from the opposing team. I just rolled my eyes at them, as I always do.

When the other team was going for a basket, I got an elbow in the face, obviously on purpose. I was knocked to the ground on impact.

Flashbacks. Flashbacks to when I was tied to that chair. I felt blood drip down my chin.

"Ref!" I heard Fangs exclaim. I heard the squeaking of sneakers, as Sweet Pea ran over to me, and kneeled down beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, worriedly.

"I'm fine." I responded, and wiped the blood with my arm. I stood up.

"Are you sure?" Sweet Pea asked me.

"Yeah." I answered. I sent a glare over to the boy who did it. We continued the game as normal.

Next, I got a fist to the face, and this time it was someone else, and more obvious. I fell again. More blood. More flashbacks.

This time, it was Reggie who complained to the ref. Fangs and Sweet Pea both came to me this time.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Sweet Pea asked, like last time.

"I'm fine." I answered, and wiped blood off of my face.

"No, you're not." Sweet Pea insisted, and turned to Coach Clayton. "Coach, we need to take her off."

"No, I can do it. I'm fine." I argued.

"She's our best player, I can't afford to lose." Coach responded. "We. We can't afford to lose." He corrected himself.

"If they do it again, so help me--" Sweet Pea stated, angrily.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I reassured. I stood up and continued to play the game. 

We were nearing the end, and we were only two points ahead. One basket. I was about to score again, when someone stuck their leg out, making me trip over.

I hit my head against the floor, and my vision went fuzzy for a moment. I'd had enough.

"That's it." I stated, through gritted teeth. I stood up, and faced the kid. I threw the ball backwards into the net, and threw a successful punch to the kid's face.

At that moment, the final buzzer sounded, announcing our win. 

"I should think twice next time, if I were you." I snapped at the boy who I'd just punched. "I am a gang leader's daughter." My dad had taught me to defend myself at a young age, and I could now throw a great punch.

I walked away, sticking my middle finger at the entire opposing team as I did so. 

"Sick punch." Sweet Pea commented, as I walked over to the team.

"My practice on Mantle paid off." I responded. 

"Shut up." Reggie pouted.

"Are you okay?" Sweet Pea asked me, like the last few times.

"I'll be fine, I've been through worse, anyways." I answered. He came and rested his arm over my shoulder, and kissed my head.

Then, we all went to Pop's to celebrate our win.

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