Arranged Vivah - 10

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Next Update - after 200 Votes..🙈😆

" no I don't want to hear your So Called side right now.....just listen to me first , I have a heart too I'm not made out of stone. The world doesn't only revolve around you mr Shukla-ji that when ever you like you throw me and when ever you like you pick me up. It doesn't work like this at all.. ", She Burst and Paused For a Moment Keeping her hand on her forehead She Again Continue," This Whole month I have dealt with so much pain.. I was Caged by all your rules.. I kept away from you , I hide my self before you Comes at home and only left home after you left home. I cried whole night thinking what wrong have I done to deserve this from you. Yes this was a decision of our Family to get us married. But I did not have any say in it. My life was always a Mess.. You would never know what I goes through all my life.. But when I thought to give this marriage a chance you appeared infront of me saying you can't accept me bla bla bla.. Then after marriage Comes your so Called contract..  What wrong have a done if I was trying to keep myself away from that hell of my family. How is it my fault that you punished me and now all of a sudden all this has changed just because you saw me unintentionally and you are saying you have fallen for me. Just think what if I was not your wife . What if I was someone else , would you have the same feeling that you have for me. Would you have left me for that some one if it wasn't me, answer me Mr Shukla. Why ... why you punish me for something which is not my fault . Why this feeling all of a sudden , why are you trying to correct your wrongs now?? ", Sana Broke Down at End.

Sidharth was so lost , he did not know how to answer her questions. He doesn't even know how to explain.... what changed him , what changed his behavior.

All he knows if that he has this unknown feeling for her which he never felt before.

Sana held his collar and shook him bringing him out of his thoughts.

" answer me dammit, why???? ", Sana Asked clutching his collar Shacking him while tears were rolling down from her Eyes..

After a little silence he said...

" if you would have been someone else I would have known..", Sidharth Said looking Directly Into his Eyes..

Sana looked at him confused.

"  yes I would have known because to tell you the truth Sana when I walked up to the shoot I felt this unknown breeze on my face which I only feel when you are around me , my heart beat increased uncontrollably and I sensed you around......... ", He Paused and then continue after taking a deep Breath, " and this all started After we got married I somehow always knew that you were close to me because every time I sensed you around me my heartbeat would increase more like racing and I would feel this cool breeze on me making me get goosebumps in my entire body , I can't explain it in words but it's there I'm not lying.. ", Sidharth Explained gulping his guilt.

Sana knew what he is talking about because she feels the same way when he is around .

This unknown breeze making her get goosebumps and sense that he is around was always present after they got married which Made it easier for her to hide herself because she would also sense it that he was somewhere around her , her heart beat would increase like she is racing..

she knows exactly what he is saying but wants to know what his reasons are so she kept quite waiting for him to continue.

"  I'm not lying please believe me.......that day when I came to the  shoot I felt the same breeze on me giving me goosebumps and the same sensation that you were there which made me stop automatically , my heartbeat started racing as I looked up , apart from Dii, Darshan and camera men you were the only one present.. Rest Everyone just got invisible for me.. Just you and me.. My heart , my senses told me that it was you and when Rashmi di asked you to smile by calling you Mrs Shukla It just made everything more clear for me right there and then , the increase in my heartbeat , the sense that you are there was true.. It was always there after we got married Sana but never made sense to me as to why....? Now it does make sense, everything makes sense to me.. It was a connection I had for you and I kept running away from it.. It was Something different attachment that I have with you.. As my heart starts racing and i felt like it's hard to breath . It was always you Sana.. ".

" So why now , why you never tried to find out then when you had these feelings why did you never try and find out how I look and why you had me hide myself this long . It never occurred to you to find out who I'm and how I look. ?? ", Sana Asked Coldly with Sarcasm.

" because I was stubborn , I always thought I wrote my own destiny and I cannot feel this way for anyone . I cannot be weak . I made this stupid rules for you and stuck to it maybe because I was trying to hide myself from you..not your from me..... This senses did not make much difference to me back then because I was alway engaging my self to work and dedicated my self to business only, refusing to accept that I'm married and I have responsibilities towards you.. ", taking Deep breath preparing himself to pour out himself completely infront of her.

HE further Continue," But when I got forced to get married.. it broke my promise which I made to myself. I no longer had a control on my own rules which made me lay down rules for you instead ......... I got married but never paid attention to you only because I was making myself believe that I'm still holding control of my own destiny but I wasn't . After our marriage everything started changing . I started feeling this weird sensation which was never there before. You alway fulfilled your wife duties without breaking the rules I made for you . These things made me feel more angry because I was no longer writing my destiny I had you in it too which was making it harder for me to control. No matter what I did this ring reminded me that I'm married and I knew you were around always. But I was too stubborn to accept you and accept my defeat . But that day when I saw you Sana......I lost myself to you and accepted defeat right away , the one thing I was running away from drowned me in... which is you.. My heartbeat increased at an uncontrollable speed and my feet took me to you without even me knowing . Everything started making sense . I felt light inside and as I went near you i got all the answers to my own questions . This sense of you being around me was true . My heart that was beating faster then normal was for you. Tell me sana do you feel the same way . Do you sense it when I'm around , did you feel the same way as I did , did your heart beat increase as mine did..? ", he asked looking hopeful towards Sana.

Shehnaaz was dumbfounded after listening to him. She cannot believe that he felt all this and never attempted to find out why and what because he was too stubborn and arrogant about it.

How can anyone be so selfish and not think how others feel and go through decisions with brains not heart. 

Tears dropped her eyes thinking about all this. Tears that were made out of questions.

Don't you guyz think that I dragged this Story allot!?🙈

Should I continue this long or Finish it in 2-3 Parts!? 🙄


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