Chapter 25- The Intruder

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Harry came to visit Niall (or mostly Louis) once a week. They didn't want to raise suspicions. If Harry started to hang out with Niall every day his stalker would surely notice that something was up. Once a week was better than nothing.

Three weeks went by. Louis felt like a caged animal. He hadn't stepped outside Niall's house for a month now and it was starting to get to him. Harry had come for his weekly visit yesterday. Niall had joked about it, saying that it could be compared to conjugal visits in jail and he had a point.

On Saturday morning Louis woke up early as always and reached for his binoculars. He stared at Harry's house for a solid twenty minutes before he decided to take a shower. He left his phone in the charger and collected some fresh clothes before he stepped out of his room. Niall came out of his bedroom. It looked like he just woke up.
"Morning mate." Niall grinned.

Louis greeted him back. Niall went in the direction of the kitchen and Louis stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He stripped out of his clothes and turned the water on. He stepped into the shower and turned the radio on. What he loved the most with Niall's house was the fact that his fancy shower had a waterproof radio and speakers built in that allowed him to indulge in one of his favorite activities; squalling his lungs out while showering. A Kings of Leon song was currently playing on the radio and he turned up the volume and started to sing along.

Five minutes into shampooing his hair he thought that he heard something. He muted the stereo to listen but it was quiet outside the bathroom. He turned the volume up again with a shoulder shrug. Niall had probably dropped something. He was a clumsy guy. Fifteen minutes later he had washed up and got out of the shower. He toweled himself dry and got dressed. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair before he collected his dirty clothes to throw them in the laundry room.

He wrinkled his eyebrows as he stepped outside the bathroom. The house was really quiet. He couldn't hear the tv and Niall usually watched sports on Saturday mornings while he ate breakfast. He got a feeling in the pit of his stomach that something wasn't right.

He peeked inside the living room to find it empty.
"Niall?" he shouted but didn't get an answer. That was strange.

He checked Niall's bedroom before he walked into the kitchen. His eyes grew wide from the sight that met him. Niall was laying on the floor. He looked unconscious and he was bleeding from a cut in his head. Louis immediately ran to him to check his pulse. It was there and Louis let out a breath of relief. Then his bodyguard training kicked in and he reached for a kitchen knife. Someone had knocked out Niall. That someone could still be in the house.

He went from room to room as quiet as he could to see if there was an intruder in the house but there was no one to be found. Whoever hurt Niall was no longer in the building. Louis rushed to his room to get his cellphone so he could call for an ambulance. To his surprise, his cellphone was not plugged into the charger. It was nowhere to be found. What the hell?

His body went cold. He ran back to the kitchen. Niall was still unconscious. He looked around and Niall's phone was laying on the counter. As he ran over there he threw a glance out of the kitchen window and froze. Harry just got in his car and started to back out of the driveway. His bodyguard was nowhere to be seen. Something was really wrong!

He picked up Niall's phone and called him but it went straight to voicemail. He reacted in an instant. He grabbed Niall's car keys that luckily laid on the counter as well. He ran outside and jumped in Niall's car. As he speeded down the road he called for an ambulance. He could see Harry's car far ahead of him turning left on the main road. He shouted Niall's address to the operator on the other end of the line and told her to send an ambulance immediately. He pressed on the gas pedal and tried to call Harry once more. It went to voicemail again.

His heart was pounding fast and he made some risky overtaking so he wouldn't lose track of Harry's car. Harry was driving really fast. Where the hell was he going?

Harry had just woken up and was still laying in bed when his phone rang. He checked the caller id and a smile formed on his lips.
"Good morning Lou." he answered in a soft voice.

"Guess again." an unknown voice replied.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
"Who's this?"

The man on the other line chuckled.
"Don't you recognize your biggest fan? It's me, babe."

Harry's eyes grew wide.
"Why do you have Louis' phone? Where's Louis?" he asked with a trembling voice.

"You thought I wouldn't find out that your slutty bodyguard moved in next door? Do you think I'm stupid? I see everything you do Harry. Did you think that you could cheat on me again?" the man hissed angrily.

"Where's Louis?" Harry asked again.

"We're spending some quality time together." The man chuckled.

"Don't hurt him!" Harry whimpered.

"Oh, I'm gonna punish him for putting his filthy hands on you. You belong to me!" the man growled.

"No! Don't hurt him. Please! What do you want?" Harry pleaded desperately.

"26 Adler Street. Turn your phone off and leave it at home. Don't call the police. Come alone or he dies. Go now." the man said and hung up.

Harry did the only thing he could do. He submitted. He couldn't let his stalker hurt Louis. Louis couldn't die. He turned his phone off, threw some clothes on, and managed to sneak past his bodyguard somehow. Now he was speeding down the road, trying to get to Louis as soon as possible. He was terrified. He was scared to death of what that crazy man could do to his Louis.

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