Chapter 1 - The Stalker

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At first, he thought he was just being silly. After a while, he was pretty sure he wasn't making things up. It felt like someone was watching him all the time. He was used to people looking at him. He had been a record-selling artist for a couple of years now, always living in the public eye. But there was something different with this situation. It felt creepy.

The first time he had felt like someone was staring at him he had just shrugged it off. He had been in a coffee shop and the place was crowded. Someone probably recognized him.

In the month that followed, he felt like he constantly had someone watching him as soon as he went somewhere. He looked around but didn't see anyone suspicious.

It was when it started to feel like someone was watching him in his own home that he decided to call his manager. He thought that he would tell him that he was delusional but to his surprise, Jeffrey asked him to come to his office in an instant.

Harry drove there right away and Jeffrey's secretary James sent him right inside the office as soon as he arrived. Jeffrey greeted him and asked him to sit down. Harry took a seat in one of the comfortable chairs in front of Jeffrey's desk.

"So, tell me about it, Harry. What have you noticed?" Jeffrey asked as soon as he sat down.

"I don't know Jeff. It's probably nothing. It just feels like someone is watching me all the time, even when I'm at home. It's strange." Harry tried to explain.

Jeffrey was looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"You haven't seen anyone? Recognized the same person around you all the time?"

"Uhm, no. Why are you taking this so seriously? I thought you would tell me I got hubris." Harry answered with a smirk.

Jeffrey chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, normally I would."

He got serious again and let out a deep sigh before he continued.
"Lately some really disturbing letters have arrived. It's from the same person, a man, referring to himself as your one true love."

Harry gaped.
"Why haven't you told me that before?"

"Come on Harry, we receive fan letters addressed to you all the time." Jeffrey sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I send them autographs all the time. What is it about this fan that made you react?" Harry questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Jeffrey scratched his chin.
"He's really obsessed. The letters are very graphic. In the beginning, he wrote about how the two of you are meant to be together and he also used to draw pictures of the two of you in different sexual positions. Lately, they seemed more desperate. He wrote that if he couldn't have you, no one else could either."

Harry gasped.
"That's horrible Jeffrey. I can't believe you haven't informed me!"

Jeffrey rolled his eyes.
"I'm not gonna inform you about every fan that thinks that the two of you are meant to be, or the ones who just want to fuck you. But I haven't told you the worst part yet."

"There's more?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yes, in the last letter he sent some pictures of you. It seems like he's the one who took them and it seems like he has taken a lot of pictures of you when you're out in public." Jeffrey answered with hesitation.

Harry stared at him.
"Show them to me."

Jeffrey opened one of his desk drawers and took out a pile of photos. He handed them over to Harry without a word. Harry started to flip through them and his eyes grew bigger and bigger. He looked at half of them before he threw the photos on the desk.
"Great. There seems to be a photo of me from every occasion in the last couple of months. I apparently have a stalker. What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

Jeffrey collected the photos and put them back in his drawer before he answered.
"I've already contacted the police. They will handle it. In the meantime, we're getting you a bodyguard."

Harry immediately protested.
"No! Come on Jeff! I don't want some old, boring guy watching my every move, telling me what I can and can't do!"

"It's not up for discussion Harry. We need to keep you safe. I already inquired about a bodyguard. He'll be here tomorrow. Apparently, he's the best in his field. He's highly recommended." Jeffrey answered firmly.

Harry grunted and dragged a hand through his hair. Jeffrey smirked at him.
"If it makes you feel any better
Mr. Tomlinson is just a few years older than you, so you won't be dragging around an old, boring guy."

"What? How can he be the best in his field if he's that young?" Harry questioned.

"I can only go by the praises and everybody says he's the best." Jeffrey smiled.

Harry thought about it.
"I guess having a bodyguard in my own age would feel better. I can pretend I'm out with a pal or something. Yeah, okay, I'll do it."

"Like you have a say in this matter. Good, he's moving in with you tomorrow but you'll meet him here first at ten. Okay?" Jeffrey smirked, knowing exactly how Harry would react within the next second.

"Woah! Stop! What? No way in hell he's moving in with me!" Harry shouted.

"Yes, he is. You need protection 24/7. You have a big ass house. You'll manage." Jeffrey answered calmly.

"He's a complete stranger!" Harry protested weakly.

"You'll spend a hell lot of time together, starting tomorrow. He won't be a complete stranger for long." Jeffrey winked.

"But... fine!" Harry huffed.

"Good. See you tomorrow then and Harry, be careful tonight, okay?" Jeffrey said and gave Harry a long look.

Harry gulped. He suddenly didn't feel safe in his own house. His huge house that probably was easy to break into. He decided to sleep at a hotel for the night. He said goodbye to Jeffrey and rushed home to pack a bag for the night. He looked around everywhere as soon as he entered his home. He was nervous and a little frightened. Having a bodyguard every hour of the day was perhaps not such a bad idea after all.

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