Chapter 15-The Cold

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"Why not?" Harry questioned.

Louis rubbed his hands over his face in frustration.
"You know why Harry. I'm your bodyguard. I'm getting paid to keep you safe, not to make out with you."

"And you can't do both? Who the hell would know?" Harry snorted.

Louis sighed and turned his head to look at Harry.
"I would for starters. You're my client. I can't take advantage of you like that."

"How the hell can you take advantage of me when I want to kiss you? We're both adults Louis and we're clearly attracted to each other." Harry huffed. He was pissed.

"That doesn't mean that we should act on it." Louis replied.

"You kissed me back!" Harry accused.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." Louis said.

"Don't apologize. That makes me feel like shit." Harry growled.

"Come on Harry! You know this is wrong!" Louis shouted back in anger.

"I don't give a fuck that you're my bodyguard Louis. Why are you scared of this? We have something good going here. Don't tell me you don't feel it too." Harry answered. He looked vulnerable.

"We don't." Louis answered with a sigh.

That was the killing strike. Harry gasped and his eyes watered.

Harry turned his back to Louis and moved as far away as he could. Louis stared at his back. He had to restrain himself from reaching out for him. He had hurt him but it was for the best. He turned around with a sigh.

When Louis woke up the next morning Harry wasn't there. He stared at the empty space for a while before he got up from bed to take a shower. When he had cleaned up and got dressed Louis headed downstairs. He could hear Harry and Lottie laugh in the kitchen. Harry stopped as soon as he entered and stared coldly at him. So he was still angry. It shouldn't come as a surprise. Louis's heart dropped.
"Good morning."

Lottie greeted him cheerfully but Harry just got up and walked over to the sink to wash his coffee cup. Lottie raised an eyebrow at Louis.

Louis sighed and went to get some coffee. He stopped behind Harry and he could see how he tensed.

Harry put away his cup and turned around slowly.
"I won't be needing your services today Mr. Tomlinson." he said in a polite voice and walked out of the kitchen.

"What the fuck did you do?" Lottie immediately questioned as soon as Harry was out the door.

Louis poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to Lottie.
"Ehm, I messed up."

"I can see that. Spill." Lottie demanded.

"Ehm, Harry kind of kissed me yesterday and I kissed him back at first but then I stopped and I told him that it was wrong." Louis started to explain.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Lottie questioned.

"He's my client, Lotts. I can't kiss my client." Louis said upset.

"But you like him, Louis!" Lottie said and stared at him.

"I kind of told him that I didn't." Louis muttered and took a sip of his coffee.

"You did what? You're such an idiot Louis! Why would you do that?" Lottie shouted.

"It's complicated Lottie. I am for a fact working for him. It's really unprofessional of me to kiss my client. It's better this way. It's not like I have anything to offer him anyway." Louis muttered.

Lottie stared at him in disbelief.
"What are you talking about? You're a great guy Louis. You have a lot to offer, and Harry likes you! It's so obvious. So what that you're his bodyguard? People meet each other in the strangest ways."

"Yeah, well, he doesn't like me now. I made sure of that." Louis sighed.

"Then fix it! He's hurt." Lottie answered.

"It's easier like this." Louis replied.

"I didn't think you were such a coward. I'm so disappointed in you." Lottie said and got up to leave the kitchen.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Harry only talked to Louis in a very polite, cold voice when he had to. It was driving Louis insane. Where was his warm and kind princess? He knew he brought this on himself but that didn't mean that he had to like it.

He managed to corner Harry when he came out from the bathroom.
"Harry. Stop this."

Harry looked down at him with a blank facial expression.
"This is what you wanted Mr. Tomlinson. I'm treating you like my employer. I heard you loud and clear yesterday."

"This is not what I wanted." Louis growled.

"Make up your mind Louis and stop playing with my emotions." Harry's facade cracked for a second before he continued in a dull voice. "Now, can you move, please? Oh, and I want to go home tomorrow."

"It's only Sunday. We are supposed to leave on Monday morning." Louis said.

"Yes, but I should be professional and go to the studio early on Monday morning." Harry answered coldly.

"Fine." Louis agreed.

"Thank you, Mr. Tomlinson." Harry replied and walked past him.

Harry slept on the couch that night and Louis didn't sleep much at all.
The next day Harry packed his things and hugged Louis's family members, thanking them for letting him stay in their home. Louis hugged them as well and promised that he wouldn't wait so long for his next visit. Lottie hissed a "fix it!" in his ear when he hugged her.

Harry waited by the car and got in the backseat as soon as Louis unlocked the car.
"Come on! You're not even gonna sit in the front with me?" Louis questioned.

Harry just gave him a dirty look and plugged in his earphones. They didn't talk at all on the way back. Harry waited in the car while Louis checked out the house before he let his bodyguard escort him inside. He went straight to his bedroom and stayed there. He only came out to eat dinner. So this was how it would be from now on? Louis didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

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