Chapter 11-The Conversation

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When Harry woke up the next morning he was wrapped in two strong arms and Louis's featherlight hair was tickling his cheek. He laid awake for a while, waiting for Louis to wake up by himself. He remembered what happened the last time he tried to wake up his bodyguard. Even if he didn't mind being pinned down by him he didn't want to startle him. Twenty minutes later Louis started to stir behind him. He nuzzled his nose in Harry's neck and then the arm around him disappeared.
"Sorry." Louis mumbled with a hoarse morning voice.

"I don't mind." Harry replied and turned around to face his bodyguard.

A newly awaken Louis was just the cutest thing Harry had ever seen. Tired blue eyes were staring back at him. Louis's hair was messy and he looked so soft and innocent that Harry just wanted to kiss him. Instead, he sat up and crawled over him to get up.
"What are you doing?" Louis questioned and sat up in bed.

Harry walked over to his bag and started to pull out some sweats and a sweatshirt.
"Come on sleepyhead! It's time for a jog!"

Louis laid down again with a grunt.
"Now? Are you crazy?"

Harry grinned at him.
"Rise and shine pumpkin."

"Pumpkin?" Louis chuckled and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Yeah, well, you call me princess so... get up now." Harry said, trying his best not to blush.

"No!" Louis protested grumpily.

"Get up or I'll tickle you until you do." Harry threatens with a smile.

"As if." Louis smirked.

"Okay, you're asking for it!" Harry said with a smirk and jumped at Louis and started to tickle him.

Louis immediately laughed and squirmed around, so Harry got on top, straddling him to keep him steady.
"Harry! Nooo!" Louis screamed and tried to fight him off.

Harry got a hold of his hands and pushed Louis's arms over his head. That made their crotches rub together and they both suppressed a moan at the same time. Louis pupils dilated and Harry blushed from the sight. He let go of Louis and rolled off.
"I'm sorry."

Louis gave him a small smile.
"It's fine. It was an accident." He said awkwardly.

"I'm guessing you don't usually have this kind of accidental interactions with your clients?" Harry chuckled.

"No. My last client was a 86 year old senator." Louis snorted and then added. "I'm usually very professional."

Harry looked at him and bit his lower lip. "Don't change."

Louis didn't reply. He just locked eyes with Harry for a moment until he let out a sigh and rolled out of bed.
"We're gonna eat breakfast before we go out for a jog. Sounds good?"

Harry nodded his head and they headed downstairs as soon as Louis got dressed. The kitchen was in full swing when they entered. Louis's siblings were all eating breakfast, getting ready for school and daycare. Dan was running between all of them, making sure they all ate and had everything they needed.
"How can we help?" Harry immediately asked.

Dan looked a bit confused at first. Louis walked over to him and patted his shoulder.
"Eat something Dan. Harry and I can feed Doris and Ernie. Okay?"

Dan sighed relieved.
"Thank you, Louis. That would be great. The mornings are always a bit hectic. Your mom always had everything under control. I really don't know how she did it."

"Well, she had you by her side." Louis said softly.

He took a seat next to Ernie and Harry hurried to sit next to Doris to help her out. Doris smiled brightly at him and let him help her eat the porridge. Dan sat down as well to eat some breakfast before he had to get to work.

"I can take care of Doris and Ernie tomorrow Dan. Spend some time with them." Louis said.

"I'll help you." Harry immediately offered and Louis smiled at him.

"That's great Lou. Thank you." Dan replied.

"No need to thank me, Dan. They're my siblings." Louis said with a smile and made sure Ernie ate.

Fifteen minutes later everyone was out the door and Louis and Harry sat down to eat breakfast themselves.
"Dan's doing a great job taking care of everyone." Harry said softly.

"Yes, he's the best. I wish I could do more to help him out. Lottie is a great help though even if I know that she would like to move to her own place. It feels like I left them behind but I just feel so guilty for mum and Fizzie when I'm here so..." Louis sighed.

"Guilty how?" Harry asked with a soft voice.

"Like...I mean, it's my father who killed them." Louis answered, looking really vulnerable.

Harry's eyes grew wide.
"Wait, are you blaming yourself for that?"

Louis just shrugged his shoulders and stared at his bowl of cereals.

"No! Look at me, Lou." Harry said and Louis turned his gaze to meet Harry's eyes.

"It's not your fault. I swear that none of your family members blame you for what your father did. He's an awful man, a sick man. You're nothing like him. Nothing! You can't help who your biological father is and you can sure as hell not be held responsible for his actions just because you share some genes." Harry stated emotionally.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, sounding unsure.

"Yes." Harry answered.

Louis rubbed his face and sighed.
"I can't believe I keep on telling you personal stuff all the time. This is so unprofessional of me!"

"I'm glad you do. I know you're my bodyguard Louis but I also consider you a friend. You can tell me anything. It seems like you need someone to talk to and I'm all ears if you feel like you can trust me. You keep me safe. Let me be the one who listens to your hardship." Harry said softly.

Louis seemed emotionally affected by Harry's words. He didn't say anything but he offered him a smile before he got up to clear the table. Harry helped him put everything away before they put some jogging shoes on and headed out for a run.

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