Chapter 17-The Rejection

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Louis grabbed the back of Harry's thighs and lifted him. They kissed fiercely and Louis pressed his crotch against Harrys. Harry moaned and let his hands travel along with Louis's flexed biceps until they came up to tug on Louis's hair.

Louis started to trail kisses down Harry's neck but then he stopped and let out a sigh.
"No, we can't do this Harry. Not like this."

Harry couldn't believe what he just heard. His cheeks flushed red and his eyes started to prick with tears from the rejection.
"You must be fucking kidding me?"

Louis sighed again and let go of Harry's thighs. He put him down gently. He tried to look Harry in the eyes but Harry refused to look up. He stared at the floor.
"Our first time shouldn't be because I'm angry and jealous. I'm sorry Harry. This is wrong."

"You're such an asshole." Harry said with a trembling voice. He had a hard time comprehending what Louis was saying. He just heard no, can't do this, wrong. He had never been more humiliated in his whole life. Louis didn't want him. He pushed him away and ran to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

Louis knocked on the door after a minute.

"Leave me alone Louis!" Harry screamed and threw himself on his bed. He tried to muffle the sound of himself crying.

Louis didn't listen. He opened the door and walked inside.
"Why is it so wrong that I want the sex to mean something? Are you just trying to use me as an easy fuck or what?"

Harry looked up.

Louis sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry okay? I like you. I know I shouldn't but I do."

He sat down on the bed. He looked confused.
"Why are you crying?"

"You rejected me again! I told you to stop playing with my emotions." Harry shouted upset.

"Didn't you hear anything of what I said?" Louis asked surprised.

"I heard you. Same thing as when we kissed for the first time. No, it's wrong. We can't do this." Harry muttered.

"Harry! That's taken out of context. Just listen to me." Louis said and laid down next to Harry.

They were facing each other and Louis started to caress Harry's cheek.
"I like you, a lot. I stopped because I want our first time to mean something. I don't want to have angry sex because I'm jealous. I want to take it slow. I'm sorry if I didn't explain it good enough the first time."

Harry blushed.
"So you're not rejecting me?"

"No. I probably should though. Kevin Costner was right about one thing. I don't know if I can protect you like this, you know? I'm scared that I won't have my head in the game, too busy to pine after you to see the danger ahead. I'm here to protect you." Louis said softly and sighed.

"I'm sure you can do both. Date me at home, be my bodyguard outside." Harry answered and bit his lower lip.

"We shouldn't gamble with your life like that." Louis mumbled.

"I'm willing to risk it. I trust you, Lou. I know you'll keep me safe. I really like you too." Harry replied shyly. "Or I could just fire you." he continued with a smirk.

"Don't you dare!" Louis huffed.

He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Harry's lips. Harry held his breath. Louis gazed into his eyes before he kissed him again. He took his time exploring Harry's mouth before he broke free and kissed the tip of Harry's nose.
"Good night princess."

"You're just gonna leave me like this?" Harry asked and nodded at the bulge in his jeans.

"Yep." Louis said with a grin and got out of bed.

He turned around in the doorway.
"And for the record, I have the same problem in my own pants." he said with a wink and closed the door behind him.

Harry let out a giggle. So Louis hadn't fucked his brains out like he first said he would but this was better. This meant that Louis was serious about him and that made his stomach flip. He was sure Louis would fulfill that promise soon enough and until then he would just enjoy the journey to get there. He still felt insecure about Louis's motives though. Had he tried to let him down easy? Oh God, Harry was the one in the leading position here. Did Louis feel forced to kiss him because he technically was employed by him? That was a horrible thought. He had to make sure that wasn't the case right away.

He hurried out of his room and sneaked over to Louis's door to knock on it but he stopped with his hand in the air. Moans were coming from inside Louis's room. Was he getting himself off? Would he be doing that if he hadn't been aroused from the kiss earlier? Maybe that was his answer?

Harry hurried back to his room and stripped out of his clothes, eager to take care of his own growing erection. He laid down on his bed and grabbed his cock in his right hand. He gave it a couple of lazy strokes. His other hand came up to play with one of his sensitive nipples. His cock twitched in his hand from the sensation. Fuck, he was so close already. He moved his thumb over his head to smear the pre-cum. He felt along with the split and let out a breathy moan. He started to pump himself faster and faster while he pinched his nipples. He shouted out and came hard, shooting white ribbons over his own chest.

He just laid there for a while until he had come down from his high and his breathing was back to normal. That had been a good wank but it would have been even better if Louis had been next to him. Well, hopefully he would be soon enough.

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