Chapter 12-The Date

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It was a beautiful morning and Harry was on cloud nine. He had missed this. Stretching his legs, breathing in the fresh air. Even Louis seemed to enjoy the jog after a while.

They ran for 45 minutes in a steady tempo side by side, before they headed back to Louis's family home. They picked up the speed the last 100 yards and they were both breathing hard when they stopped in front of the door.
"Shit, I'm out of practice." Harry breathed out.

"Apparently so am I." Louis chuckled and took a couple of deep breaths.

Harry grinned at him in response. They went inside to hit the shower, both of them sweaty from the run.
Louis turned to Harry when they were inside his room to collect fresh clothes.
"So what do you wanna do today princess?"

Harry thought about it.
"Do you wanna go out for lunch? Maybe show me some of your favorite places after that?" he bit his lower lip after his suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Louis answered with a smile and Harry beamed.

They went to separate bathrooms to get cleaned up. After his shower, Harry spent some time fixing himself. He styled his hair, shaved his stubble, and made sure that he smelled good. He put on a pearl necklace and some colored lipgloss and some brown mascara. He dressed nicely in some black dress pants with a high waist and a cerise button-up blouse. He knew his taste in clothes could be seen as feminine sometimes but he didn't care. He loved the way they looked and he felt pretty. Pink was his favorite color. Louis's nickname for him was actually on point. He did feel like a princess right now. He was a little bit nervous about Louis's reaction.

Louis's mouth dropped and he stared at Harry dumbfounded when he came out of the bathroom. Harry stopped in the middle of the room.
"Lou? You look really nice." he said softly.

He was getting a little nervous when Louis didn't say anything. He just stared at him.
"Earth to Louis?"

"What? Oh, thanks. So do you, really nice. Really... Ehm, shall we go?" Louis finally replied.

Harry gave him a dimpled smile and nodded his head. He could swear that he heard Louis mumble a "fuck" underneath his breath.

Louis tried to get a grip. Harry looked like a freaking fairytale. He was gorgeous and Louis was so turned on right now.
"Come on princess." he said with a smile and Harry just smiled even sweeter. He would be the death of him for sure.

They walked out to Louis's car and he had managed to collect himself from the initial shock of seeing Harry all dressed up with lipstick and pearls. He had tried to dress nicely himself but Harry was a whole new level of cuteness. Not good. How was he supposed to not kiss those plump, lipstick-covered lips?

Harry looked over to his bodyguard. It seemed like Louis liked how he looked and that made him happy. Not everyone was okay with men wearing what was considered women items. He had gotten a lot of nasty comments over the years. He was relieved that Louis wasn't one of them.

Louis was sexy in his blue button-up shirt and neath quiff. He was always sexy according to Harry but today he just wanted to jump him and kiss him until he was out of breath.
"So, where are we going?"

Louis gave him a quick glance before he looked back at the road again. He was smiling.
"It depends what you're up for? Italian?"

"Sounds great." Harry replied. He honestly didn't care what they ate. He was just excited that they were going out for a meal together. It was almost like a date even if he knew that it wasn't.

Louis parked outside a restaurant a couple of minutes later. They walked inside and Harry looked around. It was a nice place. Cozy and romantic. It was a perfect place for a first date. He looked at Louis curiously. He wished he knew what was going on in that beautiful head of his.

Louis asked for a table for two and they were shown to a table in the back of the restaurant and the waiter handed them both menus.
"Nice restaurant Lou." Harry commented with a smile.

Louis's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"Me mum and Dan used to go here."

"It's lovely." Harry said softly and Louis smiled brightly.

They both ordered lasagna for their main course and bruschetta for starters. They skipped the wine considering Louis technically was on duty and the waiter brought them two large Coca colas.

Harry couldn't stop smiling and neither could Louis. The conversation was flowing freely. Harry had such a great time. After they ordered some chocolate cake for dessert Harry leaned back in his chair.
"I'm really glad I'm in Doncaster with you. Your family is wonderful Lou and I'm happy to get away from my frantic life and my own personal stalker."

"I'm also glad we have a break. It's great to see my family and I'm really grateful that you're here with me." Louis answered with a smile.

"I like spending time with you. I like your company." Harry said shyly and bit his lower lip.

Louis was looking at his lips. He blinked slowly and his words came out equally slow.
" too..."

The waiter brought the check and they both reached for it simultaneously.
"I'll pay." Harry said.

"I can't let you do that." Louis protested.

"Yes, you can. I was the one who asked you out..." Harry argued and blushed when he realized what he was saying.

Louis raised an eyebrow at him and smirked.
"I mean, ehm, I was the one who wanted to go out for lunch so I should pay." he continued and bit his lower lip.

Louis's eyes traveled down to Harry's lips once again. He shook his head like he tried to clear his mind. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Fine, you pay but I'll pay next time."

Next time? Harry liked the sound of that. He shot Louis a dimpled smile and pulled out his credit card. Louis swallowed loudly. He would never get used to those dimples and the effect they had on him. He didn't think that Harry was aware of how absolutely breathtaking he looked every time he smiled like that and what it did to him. He was so screwed. He had to remind himself all the time that Harry was his client because he had a tendency to forget. He just had to look into Harry's beautiful emerald green eyes and he got lost. That was dangerous.

They walked out to the car and got in.
"So what does Harry Styles want to do now?" Louis asked with a grin.

Harry chuckled.
"Well, Harry Styles want you to show him Doncaster, like your old high school and where you use to hang out. Then Harry Styles want to go grocery shopping so Harry Styles can cook dinner for your family."

Louis stared at him in awe.
"Really? Gosh, That's so sweet of you Harry."

Harry smirked.
"Harry Styles is a pretty sweet guy."

"Stop talking about yourself in the third person. It's creepy." Louis snorted.

Harry burst out laughing.

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