Chapter 21- The threat

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They walked over to Jeffrey's secretary who stared at them.
"Uhm, hi James. Can we go in?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you can walk right in. He's expecting you." James answered in an emotionless voice.

Harry thanked the man and headed for the office. Jeffrey looked up when they entered and motioned for them to sit down.
"What's up, Jeff?" Harry asked with a smile.

Jeffrey didn't return the smile. He sighed instead.
"I'll cut right to it. I got a new letter from your stalker this morning."

"Okay?" Harry questioned. Why did they have to come into the office for that?

"This letter is different." Jeffrey continued and wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Different how?" Louis asked and Jeffrey shot him an angry look.

"For starters, there were pictures of you two. Photos I wished I had never seen." Jeffrey grunted.

"What kind of pictures?" Harry asked.

He had gone pale and Louis reached out to take his hand. Jeffrey glared at Louis and followed his action with squinting eyes.
"Pictures of the two of you together in a compromising situation."

Harry gasped in horror.

Louis didn't say anything. He just clenched his jaw.

Jeffrey continued coldly, still glaring at Louis.
"You have overstepped your boundaries, Mr. Tomlinson. I can't believe that you have been taking advantage of your client in such an unprofessional way. You can expect a lawsuit. You're done in this field of work. You're fired."

Harry flew up from his chair.
"No! What the hell Jeff. It's not like that!" he shouted upset.

"Really? From where I'm standing it pretty fucking clear. How is it then?" Jeffrey replied.

"I'm in love with Harry. I didn't mean to, but I fell in love with him." Louis suddenly said in a calm voice.

Harry turned around to stare at his bodyguard with teary eyes.
"You are?"

"Of course I am princess. I was planning on telling you that tonight, in a more romantic way. I'm sorry I told you like this." Louis said and smiled sadly.

Harry sat down again and took Louis's hand in his.
"Don't be. I'm in love with you too."

That made Louis break out in a genuine smile. Harry returned it before he turned to face his manager again. He still held Louis's hand in his.
"You see? Louis didn't take advantage of me. We fell in love with each other. If you sue him you'll have to sue me too because then I'm breaking our contract, Jeff."

Jeff sighed.
"We'll talk about that later. We have something more urgent to discuss right now."

"What does the stalker want?" Louis questioned.

"He wants you out of the way. He's blackmailing you, Harry. He wants Louis to move out of your house and resign as your bodyguard. If he doesn't do it he will leak the pictures of you two and trust me, this isn't something you would want to be released, Harry." Jeffrey answered. He looked beaten.

"So what? I'm just gonna let him win? Let him take Louis from me? No!" Harry argued upset.

"He's right baby. This could destroy your career." Louis answered softly. He had tears in his eyes.

"I don't care Lou. I don't want to stay away from you." Harry replied and started to cry.

Louis immediately took him in his arms to comfort him.
"Me neither, but it wouldn't be forever. I can't let you sacrifice everything Harry."

"We'll catch that son of a bitch soon." Jeffrey chipped in. He looked moved.

"When? The police haven't made any progress!" Harry whined.

"He'll make a mistake soon, then we'll catch him." Louis promised.

"That could take years!" Harry said. He looked completely broken.

"I'm gonna find him." Louis whispered and kissed Harry's temple. He had tears in his eyes as well.

"I'm sorry about this guys." Jeffrey worded.

"Yeah, right." Harry snorted in response.

"I'm not the enemy here Harry. I'm just trying to look out for you." Jeffrey sighed.

"Well, you're doing a hell of a bad job." Harry shouted upset.

"Hey, calm down princess. Don't take it out on poor Jeffrey over there. He's doing everything he can to help you. Come on, he hired me for fucks sake. If it hadn't been for Jeffrey we had never met." Louis said softly but smirked at Jeffrey for the last part.

Harry started to giggle.
"You're right. I'm sorry Jeff. Thank you."

Jeffrey cleared his voice.
"Ehm, no worries. I might have jumped on the gun too soon regarding the situation between the two of you."

Harry sighed and sat up.
"So what now?"

"I have already hired another bodyguard for you, Harry. Mr. Black will be here first thing tomorrow." Jeffrey informed.

Louis clenched his fists from the thought of leaving Harry.
"Aaron Black?"

Jeffrey nodded his head.
"He's alright. Not that good looking." Louis muttered.

Harry bumped his shoulder against Louis'.
"Scared I will fall for my new hot bodyguard huh?" he teased.

Louis gave him a dirty look and Harry's features soften. He leaned in to press a light kiss on Louis's lips, totally ignoring Jeffrey in the room.
"You have nothing to worry about Love." He whispered and Louis smiled at him and caressed his cheek.

Jeffrey cleared his voice again and the boys broke eye contact and looked over at Harry's manager.
"I suggest that you both stay off the grid today. Harry still needs protection and as long as you stay away from your house I don't see any harm in letting you have the ehrm, the night to yourselves. Your stalker will hopefully not catch up. Just make sure that you move out of the house tomorrow with a bang." Jeffrey said and directed his last words at Louis.

Harry lit up from the prospect of spending one last night with Louis for an uncertain time ahead. He planned on using the time they had to the fullest. He didn't want to think about the unavoidable time apart that was forced upon them. He turned to Louis with a grin.
"Take me to the nearest Hotel."

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