Prefrence//what you steal of his

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Love you all have a good day!!!


You like to steal his t-shirts and his hoodies. Sometimes when your on your period you steal some of his basketball shorts, even though it's big on you, it's very comfortable. He's likes to see you in his t-shirts the most. The way it falls just above your knees makes him smile. He likes when you jam out to music and twirl in the oversized shirt.


You like to steal his beanies and his sunglasses. He gets "mad" when you steal his sunglasses, cause he calls them his prized possessions. You really like beanies and you feel that his beanies are cooler than yours. He secretly love seeing you in his beanies because of how happy it makes you wearing them. He thinks it's cute how giddy you get just from wearing something of his.


You steal his necklaces and his rings, but you really like stealing his jackets and hoodies. You like stealing  his rings of his fingers and pretending they fit your fingers. You like wearing one of his necklaces everyday because it makes you feel sophisticated. It also just makes you happier. He LOVES seeing you in his hoodies and jackets, because he likes how they are adorably baggy on you.


You like stealing his bucket hat and his socks. You like his bucket hat cause it big on you and you almost can't see when wearing it. But you like the colors on it. You also like how it sometime smells like jacks hair products. You like his CLEAN socks cause of how high they go up it makes you feel small but also it makes you happy wearing your boyfriends socks.


You practically steal almost everything of his. He's just so fashionable and you like how he blushes when you walk out with something of his on. His favorite thing on you is his glasses. He loves because of how nerdy they make you look. When you wear them he calls you his nerd. It makes the both of you giggle when you attempt to try on some of his clothes.

Hope you like it!! Sorry it took me awhile to write something. Online schooling's stressful

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