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Hi how are all of you doing, I hope your doing extravagant! If you didn't know I have other books that you may or may not be interested in. I have a 'KNJ + Sam & Colby (Xreaders)' 'Harry Potter (Xreaders)' 'Teen Wolf & Maze Runner (Xreaders)' and lastly! 'Avengers (Xreaders)'. If you like any of these things I suggest just trying to check them out. This is of course the best book I've written because the most people have read it! Also,


Thank you so so much all of you. I'm so sorry I'm so inconsistent with updating this book, I will try to do better over summer, but we all know I'm bad at keeping my word when it comes to this. Anyways. Thank you all for reading and giving back comments. Love you all ,

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