"Looking for something?" the other child's highly accented voice asked curiously.

I had no idea where the kid came from, his presence seeming to have been absent one minute, only to appear out of thin air the next. And that voice... though it was clearly that of a child's, its heavy accent and graceful elegance caused the words to roll off the boy's tongue smoothly. It made him sound mature beyond his years.

A sudden pounding wracked through my head, causing me to grip onto my hair in an attempt to fend off the pain. It was like a bass drum against my skull, moving in a constant and agonizing rhythm.

The child that had been searching around in the water beamed at the voice, turning around to face the direction it came from. Only when he turned to face the other boy in the water, could I make out his features myself. Jet-black hair, jaw length and a brilliant shade of midnight which was so deep, that if not for the sunshine creating a halo on his head, one would think it was a hole in space itself. Some of the hair was pulled back and pinned behind his head, while other bits were free, coupled with thin, dangling braids on either side. His skin was pale and creamy, deeply contrasting to the darkness of the wet, wavy strands that stuck to his face. As other worldly as those features may have seemed, they were nothing when compared to everything else. His eyes were a shocking, almost electric, shade of purple, with a slight downward slant to them like you'd see on a fox; hard and predatory. His face, though clearly still young, held a sharpness to it that made his cheekbones appear higher, and his jaw taut and masculine. From what could be seen of his body, he held more muscle than any kid I'd ever seen, and was riddled with tattoos of a tribal origin. While the brunette child in the water with him had to struggle to keep his head above each wave, the raven haired boy barely batted an eye. In fact, it barely even looked like he was moving, his actions being slow and as fluid as the water itself.

"I thought I told you to stay away from here. Your useless apendages and idiotic mind are going to lead to your early death." The raven snarled, his features growing dark and terrifying, as his pupils seemed to become less rounded, and more like the slits you'd see in a snake's eyes.

The smile dropped a little on the other boy's face, though it didn't disappear completely, just became a bit sadder.

"I-I just wanted to see you again... No one saw me come outside, I promise. So... so please, don't make me go home." The brunette pleaded softly, his words lisping like you'd expect of a child his age, as his eyes welled with tears. The innocence of his words tore at my own heartstrings.

The other boy seemed to regard his visitor's plea with contemplation, those eyes that had been fierce just moments before, finally softening again. He opened his mouth, revealing four ridiculously sharp incisors past his thin lips, two on each side with the one in the back longer than the one closer to the front; Teeth made for tearing flesh. But instead of attacking the child with his agape mouth, he just let out a tired sigh.

"What are you called, idiot?" The raven asked, something akin to annoyance, mixed with interest making its way into his voice.

The boy sniffled, and rubbed his eyes with a small fist before he replied.

"Not idiot, my name is Dylan" he mumbled out past pouting lips.

The other boy's face contorted into a grimace as he processed the name.

"Dylan..." He struggled over the word, trying to get used to the way it felt on his tongue. "You are titled something weird, I am called Kailahn (Kie(said like the word tie with a k instead of a t)-lon(said kinda like the word lawn, but sharper) Kie-lon)."

"Kai...lahn" The brunette strained to say the foreign name, having to put a pause between the two halves.

Kailahn laughed at the look of concentration on his new friend's face, shocking his counterpart, as it was the first time he'd heard the boy laugh.

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