"Faith, what's wrong?" Ruka asks me while getting up.

I glance over at Cathleen and a hazy image of her with shadows dancing in front of her face crosses my mind and I shake my head violently trying to make it go away. Glancing back at Aviva, the burning behind my ear starts again.

"Faith," Ruka says in a soft voice and she is right in front of me. I take a step back putting my head in my hands.

"Faith," she says again. I look up and look past her, his green eyes have the same golden flakes in them, his nose even hooks a little to the left like hers.

"Faith honey sits down, you're having a panic attack," Ruka says trying to get me to sit but I jerk away.

She's a threat; she's trying to play you. Ruka is harmless; she's just trying to help me. She and Dax are trying to get information out of you indirectly and now she's brought that man into your home. Does she even know what that woman put you through? No, of course, she doesn't, because I never told her! I don't want them to know, I don't want anyone to know how broken I am! I can't tell them what they did to me.

"Faith!" Ruka yells and I feel the warm blood rolling down my arm from accidentally scratching myself.

"Don't touch me," I whisper roughly, and her eyes widen in surprise.

My voice is thick with emotion and dark, Ruka listens, but not because I told her to. I grab my bag off of the floor and all but run out of the apartment. I take the stairs all the way down and run out of the building. A fine mist hits my skin as I weave through the crowd trying to ignore everything. Pulling my rolled-up sleeves back down, the wounds have already started to scab over. Walking into traffic I am barely phased by the honking, the screaming, the curse words. I just keep moving.

They work for Metac, this is all a setup Faith, I am just trying to protect you. I don't need anyone to protect me, who even are you! How can you be so blind, how can you not see who I am? Are you that stupid?! No wonder I need to protect you! What are you even talking about?!

Everything goes silent in my head and I breathe a sigh of relief. The eyes keep flashing in my head, but I keep pushing them away. Eventually, I realize that I am completely lost and sit down on a bench. I pull my bag in front of me and find it wet but everything on the inside is dry. Tugging at my clothes I realize I am soaked. Why do I make such a mess of everything?

Pulling out my phone I pull up the maps app and try to figure out where I am. It takes me a moment, but I realize I am over twenty blocks away from my apartment. I don't even know how I got that far away. My stomach grumbles at me and I frown. I never did get something to eat.

"Faith?" A familiar voice calls out to me and I see a familiar face whose once blue hair has faded green. Coming close I see Colton standing there with a large black umbrella.

"Faith, you're soaked. What happened?" He asks standing close to me so that I am shielded from the rain. If only he saw the scratches on my arms.

'I don't want to talk about it,' I send to him.

"Faith, don't you live over two miles from here?" He asks me, and I nod, further.

"Do you want a ride home?" He asks me, and I just stare down at my feet.

Did I want to go back after I just made such a fool of myself? Why couldn't I just keep a grip on my emotions? Why do I have to go and blow up like that? I am sure that guy isn't related to the surgeon and that I am just blowing everything completely out of proportion. But it's hard when you wake up every day fearful for your life.

"Faith, I am taking you home," Colton says more firmly, and I stand up.

He holds the umbrella over the two of us and we walk out of the park. I see his car parked across the street and we wait for the light before climbing in. I am soaked to the bone and am most likely ruining the seats.

'Why were you out in the rain?' I text him hoping to distract him from the fact that he just found me soaked the bone.

'I love the rain and I needed some space from my apartment,' he types back.

We sit in silence for the rest of the ride I start dozing in and out from the cold. When we pull up to my building, I let out a long sigh and Colton looks surprised that I made a noise. I sign thank you to him before walking inside. Pushing the elevator button, I stand off to the side as I wait for the lift. The doors open a few people spill out and I don't even pay attention to who it is.

"No, she still hasn't returned Dax, I need to go and look for her," my head whips up as Cathleen and Ruka walk past me.

I clear my throat and both women stop. They turn around confused and relief swarms Ruka's features as she sees my face, but her happiness soon fades as she takes in me looking quite like a drowned rat. She grabs me firmly by the arm and drags me back into the elevator. Cathleen barely slips in as the doors close. We stand in tense silence until we reach the top floor.

"Go take a warm shower," Ruka says in a curt voice while taking my bag from me.

Hoping in the shower I turn the water as hot as possible and shower until the water starts to run cold. Stepping out of the shower steam swirls around my face. I put some cream on the wounds and wrap bandages on my arms. Getting into my warm pajamas I sit on my bed for a few minutes before the sheer exhaustion hits me and I lay down. I am vaguely aware of Ruka talking to Dax before my eyes drift shut. 

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