No Place to Go But Up

Start from the beginning

Damn. What a plot twist.

I was speechless. My mouth opened to respond, but I was caught on to my words. Jason knew the answer to his question. Of course, I couldn't wipe that away. Especially something that big. That's getting into fraudulent crime. Felony charges, actually.

"Uh-uh. No. I can't. Jason are you telling me that you-"

"Go figures. See you tomorrow. At 5."

"Jason. How long ago were you involved? What money? What-"

"Tomorrow. For 5. Get out." That was when he shut down. I let out a deep sigh and cleared my throat.

"See you tomorrow. For 5," I replied. I open the door and shut it behind me. I walked a few steps forward, yet the best of me turned around to continue the conversation. But, I was met with dust from the gravel, as Jason put the truck in reverse, and rode back to the bungalow. My face was puzzled as I stood in that exact spot for some time.

"Money laundering? What is this, Good "Boys"? What the hell am I suppose to do with that?" I spoke to myself and flailed my arms up, dropping them back down to my side.

So much was going through my mind. What angle was I going to take to make this less extreme than what it really was? Was this what the Momoas were holding against Matthew, too? Jason could've stayed in jail - scratch that - PRISON for way longer if he caught a felony charge of financial fraud and gang affiliation. All the evidence points back to the Momoas with the gang; I've seen them in action too many times. Money laundering was just the icing on top of their criminal empire. It was a miracle that after Jason burned down the fields, Joseph didn't turn him in for more than just arson. But then again turning Jason in for washing money would be snitching on himself and his greasy ass son, Eddie.

I made it through the front door. After closing it behind me, I slid my back against the door and breathed out a lot of air.

"I've got my work cut out for me."


The Next Day


I groggily turned off my alarm clock and opened my eyes to total darkness. My phone read 4:30 AM, plain as day. I had enough time to brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on a pair of green cargo shorts, Timberlands, and a long-sleeve white sweater. It got chilly and windy in the night due to being so close to the water.

I grabbed my backpack and waited on the porch. Sooner at 4:55 AM, the headlights on Jason's truck shown as he traveled up the hill. Once I got into the car, I quietly greeted Jason briefly, then I turned my head, immediately curling up against the seat. Within minutes, I fell back asleep to the loud rumble of the truck's engine. I bet Jason had no complaints of not hearing me for a bit longer.

By 5:20, Jason was shaking me awake by my shoulders.

"Stella. Stella, come on. It's time to get out."

My eyes squinted a bit before fully opening them. It was still pitch-black outside. The only difference was that, along with the truck's noisy engine, there was also a louder, whirring sound.


I opened my eyes to see a small helicopter in front of me.

"Come on we don't have time to stare. We've got to get in the air and beat the sunrise. You ate anything?"

"No," I answered back. That prompted Jason into tossing me a chocolate chip granola bar. I caught it effortlessly and opened the wrapper.


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