Chapter Eleven: Neighborhood Crimes Part Two

Start from the beginning

It was from Sienna.

(Text Convo)

To: ItsMehBriBret

From: SiJa_LoveDeRealest

| I hate Jojo! The little twerp won't leave me alone! I don't know, it's like he likes me or something. But he is too young and I have a boyffriend. And he is about to mess that up!|

To: Sija_LoveDeRealest

From: ItsmehBriBret

|I swear their is something wrong with their family! Jacob is just... Nvm. What did he do?|

To: ItsMehBriBret

From: Sija_LoveDeRealest

|I'll tell you later. Please come pick me up. I'm at the park. Hurry Please!|

(End Of Text Convo)

I litterally jumped up from the bed and went to my closet to grab my black and purple hoodie. I grabbed my purse, and ran downstairs.

I ignored stares or comments, and went straight to the car. There family is gon' have to go.

(Jacob POV)

I rushed back to Brielle's house. As I'm running up, I see a suitcase on the curve of their drive way. But I don't see my Ma or Jojo out here. I unzip the suitcase, knowing what I would probably find.

And as I suspected, all my clothes were in the suitcase. I have to find some way to explain what she saw. And I am in even more trouble if she still doesnt accept, because then I definitly got to go back on the streets which I want to avoid doing.

I walk to their door, but I don't see Brielle's car. I walk faster to the door.

I press the doorbell. Ma answers, and has a sad and depressed expression glowing on her face. She didn't let me in she just came outside with me.

''You still on the streets, selling?'' she asked me dead up. I nodded and she looked down.

''Why? We had a nice family welcoming us inside their nice home. And you had to ruin it by going back into the streets. Their was no need too. You messed up this time. I mean, she must've saw you, couldn't you take a hint?'' I can't believe she was blaming all this on me. I mean, she is the one who started me on the streets just because she didn't want to risk going to jail and lose us. And she never said I didn't have to do it anymore. And Brielle is the one who came looking for me.

''Look, baby. Obviously Brielle doesn't want you living with her. So whenever Jojo comes back. We will start heading out. Come inside, washup, grab some food and relax. Until it's time to go. Mine as well enjoy it while you can.'' I nodded and we walked back inside.

When we walked in, everyones attention went back to us. ''Are you all leaving'' Mrs. Taylor asked, suprisingly. ''Well if Brielle says we must, then I guess we will'' ma said sounding disappointed.

''We can deal with Brielle later, you can stay as long as you like. Jacob go get your stuff and put it back in your room. I will cook anything you want.'' Mrs. Taylor said trying to reinvite us back in. I guess ma and her really made friends of the short time we have been here.

I am done with the streets. For good.

(Brielle's POV)

I found Sienna and Jojo. I decided to pick him up too, because I am not that heartless just to let a 8-year old find his own way to someone elses house. At first, Sienna didn't want him to even breath the same air as him.

But after Jojo appologized and agree'd to apologize to Jaylen she delt with him better. She never really told me what he did, but I do know that, Jacob's family needs to go.


I drove up to my house. I didn't see the suitcase anymore so I was counting on that he left, and won't come back.

We got in the house, and Sienna went straight upstairs to call her boo too make sure he isn't mad at her. Jojo went to follow but she slammed the door in his face before he got to enter.

But then I realize, Jacob's mom is still here in the kitchen. And the door to Jacob''s room is closed. Tf? He is still here?

I put on a mad face and went upstairs. I barged into his room. I shut the door behind me out of reflex. He was in the bathroom putting on deoderant in the mirror. Showing his abs, he looked soo mm. Lawd, I can use some of that.

After I realize I was daydreaming about him, when he noticed me my frown appeared back on my face.

''Why the fuck are you still here? Was it not obvious when your stuff was in a suitcase?'' I say practically yelling.

He reached in his suitcase and put on a wife beater. ''Just let me explain'' I pleaded.

''Explain what? That you are a drug dealer. That you are probably on it yourself. Fool please, I wasn't born yesterday. Weed is Weed. And you selling it is you selling it. And you can't try to make excuses, I saw what I saw'' I fumed, I was beyond pissed.

He was about to speak but I interupted him. ''I don't want weed around my family. In fact, any drugs! You're just, ugh'' I said not even wanting to look at him.

''Look. Let me explain. Okay?'' He looked at me to see if I would let him. I kept silent signaling that he can, but if it's a dumb explination, he is leaving.

''Since my family and I were homeless, we needed money. My mom was on the street, she was a prostitute, a drug dealer, name it. But one day she almost got caught. So when I was old enough she told me to start selling because if she went to jail she didn't want us to be apart. She didn't want to risk it. So I started going out there, I didn't know what I was doing because I was only 12. When my partner, Julian, saw me so young out there. I told him what happened and he put me under his wing. Like a father. So One day we raised up enough money to get a car. That's the one we had a car accident with. And I kept selling because I didn't want to use all of your money and not contribute anything. I kept telling Julian I wanted to stop, even today, and then you saw me and it went down hill for sure. Now I know it's alot but I promised myself, and now I will promise you and to your family, I won't sell again. Today was my last day.'' he finished.

I took a deep breath to take it in. ''So basically you just sold to get money just so your mom wouldn't get caught?'' I was still confused a little.

''Fucked up but yea.''

We sat in silence for a while. ''Well that still.....'' I was interupted from his kiss. I was shocked, but I kissed back. I don't know what I was doing. I wanted to let go but I just couldn't, then Dom walked in.

My eyes were open wide, I realeased my lips from his and quickly got up and left the room.

Oh My Gosh, What the hell did I just do?


Wow. Jacob seems like a player, even if he had a girlfriend or not. But Brielle did kiss back, hmm, I wonder whats the next chapter going to be.

Questions to think About:

What will Dom do about Jacob seeing him kiss his little sister?

Will Brielle ever forgive herself kissing back with Jacob, even though she has a boyfriend?

Did OGSWNOD work with Jojo?

Will Sienna get her boo thang back?

Will Bella get more crackers and juice after she is done napping?


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