Chapter Twelve: Baby Talk

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Hol' up, Two Chappies in one day! Okay, so It seems like I might be doing this every other chapter. Lol, because I have been making one chapter about other characters and then the next one about Brielle and Jacob. This Chapter is going to be about Dom, and his reaction to what he saw with Brielle and baby talk with Jasmine. Maybe I will slip another POV somewhere in there. Lol, we will see. Enjoy!


''Chapter Twelve: Baby Talk''

(Domonique POV)

Me and Jasmine were making out on my bed.

''Babe'' Jaz said between kisses.

''Babe'' she said more wildly than before, but I didn't want to stop.

She punched my arm. ''Ow'' that hurt.

''Well next time, listen when I call your name.'' I gave her a puppy face, and she started laughing.

''Damn, I think we need new sheets'' she said biting her lip looking down at our sheets. ''Woah, your water broke or something?!'' I said getting off the bed, wide eyed.

''Babe, no. Haha, no babies push on your bladder and...'' Even though I didn't have a mirror, I could tell my face had a 'Eww, girl problems' face expression. She started to laugh. ''Just go get me some sheets, while I'll clean up''. I just did what she said.

The only fast place to get some sheets were that kid Jacob's guestroom.

I walk in and Brielle is practically lip locking with 'Jacob'. When she saw me she got up and ran pass me.

I started towards Jacob, about to punch him. And Jasmine came behind me, ''what's taking so long with the....'' she noticed I was about give to give this boy an ass whoopin. ''Babe, stop!'' she yelled. Then I hear a door slam, it was probably Brielle.

Jacob got up like he about to do something.

''Why you messing with my sister man?'' I punched him square in his jaw, and he fell to the ground. Jasmine, as the attention drawer that she is, is going to sit up in here and scream. Thanks Babe. -.-

Then Jacob's mom rushes to the floor where Jacob was. Then Mom and Dad come in to see what happened. I walked past everybody out the doorway, to go check on Brielle. I knocked on the door, and she opened it quickly. And practically hung to my neck.

She was getting my shirt wet with all that crying. But I allowed it, cuz I knew Brielle had a boyfriend and she is not the one to cheat, so I know she didn't want that kiss.

I closed the door and locked it, and took her to the bed. I cradled her until she stopped crying.

''I-i don't know how I could do that, I-i have a b-boyfriend. A-and I-love him, a-and Jacob j-just'' she just kept crying.

''Look, Bri, don't beat yourself up. If he kissed you, he's to blame. Alright? Just stay away from him, I never thought he was right from the time he left every morning.''

''I wanna go see Diggy. Please take me to see him'' I agree'd.

While I got my keys and told Brielle to wait in the car.

''Hey Jasmine, you wanna come with me?'' I say trying to avoid talking to anyone else. ''Sure, let me get my purse'' I didn't really want to wait and get confronted by anyone. So I just followed her until she was ready.


''Bye Brielle, If anything happens just call or text me'' Jasmine said. Jasmine is like her older sister, I love their friendship. Considering Brielle's Niece or Nephew is in Jaz's tummy (I know it's not in the Stomach, just play along and remember the title, of this chapter), I want them to bond.

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