Chapter 5 Kaden

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The following week went pretty fast, we went to several places like museums, parks, soccer games, fencing games, and tours. I really enjoyed knowing all these places especially because I was alone and not too many people like reporters were stalking me and taking me pictures the way they did when our whole family was together. Every time we passed through a crowd I had to hide Violet, I still couldn't get why she didn't want to be seen by anyone, but I made a promise to her and I was going to keep it.

-"So... what's your life like?"- She asked.

-"What do you mean?"- I said, there could be several statements to that question.

-"I mean your life as a Prince, it must be hard being in the spotlight all the time"

-"It is hard, especially when we go outside, but at home, it is not that bad, I have very few responsabilities in comparison to my older sister and parents"

-"Really? so you can do whatever you want?"

-"Not exactly, I can do many things, but I am still a Prince and I have to keep a good image, even at home"

-"It must be hard, I wouldn't like for someone to expect things from me you know, it is better to be yourself, but I guess it is not your choice either"

Wow, nobody had told me those things before, she was a person who spoke whatever she thought, I admire that, I couldn't do that myself.

-"Yes, in some part it is, we are the example for many citizens it is our job to be calm and positive so we don't worry them, it is sometimes frustrating you know when you have to put on a happy face and look like everything is fine when it isn't"

-"Didn't think it was like that, I am sorry"

-"You don't have to apologize, it has been like that for decades now and since I was a kid, I had always been trained to behave that way"

-"Wow, still I am sorry"

-"It sometimes is, but what about you? What's your life like?"- I asked a little nervous as usual.

-"Well in comparison to you, it is quite simple, but unlike you, I have to worry about life"


-"Not financially thank God, but... well my dad is really sick and my Mom does basically everything she can for us to have a good life, but it is hard, especially because Sulambia is not the best country to live in right now."

-"Oh my God, I am so sorry Violet, if you want I could help you someway...

-"No! I don't need you to feel sorry for me and thank you but I don't need your help"

And there it was again, the person who just cut me off of her life again. I couldn't get why she behaved that way especially when we talked about her family, but dad taught me how to behave with these people.

-"I don't feel sorry for you Violet, I just wanted to help you that's all because I am your friend and I have the tools to help you"

-"How many times do I have to remind you, I am not your friend, I am just a regular girl who chose to be your tour guide for your little vacation"

-"Well it looks like you need a friend, and I have no idea why you just act the way you act but I know my mother was like that once with my father and she needed help, but she realized that too late, but it is not too late for you"

She kept staring at me for a while, confused and angry, I wanted to tell her to respond but I kept my mouth shut.

-"Look, your highness, my life is not like yours, it is not magically fixed just because you royals want to. I don't know if you know, but life is hard, and it is way harder in Sulambia. But I appreciate your help, I really do, it is just that my family will never... never mind, thank you, but I am good"

-"I just want to get to know you better Violet, believe it or not, you are a very nice girl and actually the only girl I have met that is not associated with my parents. You might not want my help and I get it, you are very capable to take care of yourself. I just really want to try and be your friend, and I really don't know how, but it is up to you if you let me."

And again, she stood there silent but this time she wasn't looking at me, but on the ground.

-"Fine" It's all she said.

I couldn't resist not telling her "Fine... what?"

-"I can't accept your money, well more than what you are already paying me, it just doesn't sound right, but... you are a very nice boy too, it is just very hard for me to trust people, but why not give it a chance with you."

-"I won't let you down... Violet"

-"Hope not," she said.

-"It is really late, but see you tomorrow?"

-"Why is that always your goodbye sentence?" she laughed.

-"I need to make sure you are really coming tomorrow" I winked.

-"See you tomorrow, she responded"

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