Chapter 1 Kaden

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As the sunshine reflected on my room, I woke up knowing that it was finally my birthday. I wasn't too excited since I only turned 18 and Josie had just broken up with me a week ago. I got dressed and went down to breakfast. Illea has been rough since Eadlyn decided to change the monarchy, many liked it, but many not. I barely see her now since she is queen and has Kertuu, if it wasn't for Osten I will have been pretty bored around here. 

As I got to breakfast, as usual, I was always early so I sat there and waited for everyone to come. Mom and Dad came seconds after.

-"Happy birthday son!"- said, Dad.

-"Thank you"- I said 

-"Happy birthday my little smart guy, it is incredible how life passes so quickly you are turning into an adult!"- said Mom as she kissed my cheek and sat down.

- "I believe I am, thanks, Mom"- 

After came Osten a little imperative as usual.

-"Happy birthday brotherly"- he said.

-"Thank you, little bro"-

Eikko came, holding Kertuu in his arms. No sign of my sister.

-"Happy birthday Kaden, I wish you the best and Kertuu does too-" He said

-"Thank you Eikko, do you know where Eadlyn is?"- I asked

-"She is in an early meeting, she won't be able to join us on breakfast, but I am sure shell pass to congratulate you"- Eikko said.

I didn't say anything I just nodded, but dad noticed I was sad.

-"You know how busy your sister has been with all this Kaden"- he said

"-I know, I wasn't saying anything dad"- I said, a little annoyed.

-"So... what do you want for your birthday Kaden?"- said mom basically changing the subject.

-"I don't want a party or anything, really"-

-"Are you sure? we can do anything that you like son and since you are becoming an adult you must want something"- said Dad

-"I do not, thanks though"-

After breakfast, I went to my room and called Ahren, really wasn't feeling into celebrating. And besides all my family is always busy so why not stay in my room.

-"Happy birthday bro, how have you been?"-

-"Thank you Ahren I am fine actually, how are you?"-

-"I am fine, people here are pretty quiet and Camille has been managing the country very well, hows Eadlyn doing by the way? haven't talked to her recently"-

-"I really don't know, she hasn't been around much"-

- "Oh, well what are you going to do today? any parties? girls?...-

-"Ahren! you know how I have been with love recently, I don't wanna do anything really, and that's fine with me because it just one more year"-

-"Common Kaden you are only 18 once don't tell me because of a girl you are not going to do anything on your birthday"-

-"It is not because of Josie Ahren, it's because of everything! I just wish I could just get out of here"-

-"Then that's it, tell mom and dad you want that as a birthday gift, go travel Kaden meet a new country getaway"-

-"I don't think mom and dad will agree to that, you know how they are"-

-"It is worth to ask"-

-"Okay I will but no promises, thank you, I really wish you were here"-

-"Me too, but sometimes love is worth the risk, you will soon understand that"-

-"I hope"-

After my talk with Ahren, I went to Mom and Dad's room, after Dad gave up his throne he and Mom now spend a lot of time together there. I was a little nervous but still knocked.

-"Come in"- said dad

Mom was sitting at a desk reading a book and Dad was watching Tv, thank goodness they weren't doing anything that would put me awkwardly.

-"Hello son"- said mom.

-"Hi I was thinking and I actually want to do something for my birthday"-

-"That's great"- said Dad -"Well... what do you want?".

-"I was thinking since all of the things Eadlyn has been dealing with the country and everything, I want to escape from it for a while...-

-"Do you want to go and visit your brother?"- Mom asked

-"Actually, there is a place where I was willing to go for a long time now...-

-"Well where is it?"-


-"Of course, you can, if you want you can leave tomorrow"- Dad said


-"I know what happened to you lately and with all the country is going through it will be better, you will have to take some guards of course"-

-"Thank you"- I said with a cheerful voice

-"Kaden, be careful Sulambia can be dangerous sometimes"-Mom said

-"I know Mom I read all about it, I would like to go because fencing is really common and I haven't gone to South America before so... why not"-

With that  I went to my room and told some maids to pack my bags, I was leaving tomorrow morning.

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