Chapter 2 Violet

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On a regular day in Sulambia, normally on a Sunday people would go out and take a walk to the Plaza.  It is always a beautiful day and discounts gather around. Since Dad got sick we normally spend time at home, together, but I feel more separated from them even more. Auden, my big brother is an asshole, always demanding more and bragging about Mila her hot model girlfriend. He doesn't stick around much anymore since he is in college and I am personally grateful for that.  On the contrary, my little brother Blade is more calm, intelligent, and artistic. He always says he wants to be a successful businessman when he grows up, even though he is only 10. And then is me, I am different, with 18 years old you should at least be looking for collages already, but I don't feel like any career right now suits me. If it was for me I would love to be a photographer, but my parents always say that a career won't help me with life, that it would be better as a hobby. 

Today, I decided to go to the plaza, it is always a pleasant place to go. There is a sidewalk where I love to go and take pictures. When I got there I saw a big crowd of people shouting. I tried to ignore it, normally governors or thieves make this person scream, but this time they were cheering, it caught my attention for a second but there were too many people. Minutes after I could get to my sidewalk, took my camera out, sat on a bench, and started to take pictures. Since I was a kid, when I was sad or angry I liked to take pictures of people, it relaxed me somehow and since then I love photography.

-"Pleasant day isn't it?" someone said, didn't notice he was sitting right next to me.-

-"It is, except for the crowd"I replied.-

-"I heard it was because of a Prince, Kaden I think is his name, of Illea"-

-"What is a Prince doing here for the matter? Doesn't he know how dangerous Sulambia is right now"-

-"Of course he knows, I heard he wanted to get away for a while"-

-"He is a Prince, if I had that life, of course, I would like to"-

-"Do you come here a lot?" he asked.-

-"I do, usually when I... need to be alone"-

-"I have those times to"-

-"Doesn't everybody?" -

I pulled out my camera, stand up, and started to take pictures, he looked at me every time! It started to get weird so I walked away from the bench.

-"I guess you really like photography, my Dad loves it too. He just doesn't practice it much now, I never understood that talent," he said.-

-"So what talent do you have? Questioning people? you are pretty good at that you know"-

He laughed for a second, there was something of him I knew I should recognize, I just didn't quite catch what was it.

-"I really like fencing, I am the best of my family actually. I am really good at sports too" he replied.-

-"Wow, who would have thought you knew how to do all that"-

In a second some random uniform guys appeared out of nowhere, I recognized their patch it was from Illea. That's when I realized this guy wasn't just a guy. He was the freaking PRINCE!

-"Your highness, we couldn't find you, if something happened to you, your father..."- 

-"I know, but no need to worry my father, I was actually enjoying myself in here"-

"Your safety is always a worry especially in Sulambia"-

-"A few more minutes please?"-

-"Of.... of course your highness"-

In a second he turned around and faced me, rare, why would a Prince care for someone like me? 

-"Couldn't you just tell me you were the Prince? I would have been nicer to you"- My response was instead.

-"It's been a long time since nobody recognized me, I wanted to see how it went. My apologies if it discomforts you," he said. Argh, why does royalty have to be so formal all the time?

-"Well nice to meet you Prince Kaden of Illea, but I need to get going someone is... waiting for me"- I lied.

-"It was a pleasure to meet you too dear.... what was your name again?"-


-"Hope to see you soon Violet"-

-"I doubt that"-

-"Never say never"- 

And with that, he left. And I went along too.

When I got home, Mom was already cooking dinner. It always surprises me how she takes care of everything, the house, us, dad, and her job. She is clearly someone I truly admire. Being a doctor in Sulambia is very well paid because of the war that is going on, many soldiers get sick and need doctors to attend them, so Mom is one of them.

-"Dinner is almost ready, Violet please call your brother"- 

-"Of course mom"- I always liked to obey her, she always got tired of work, so I try to make her life easier by doing what she orders me.

Normally dinner was always the same, we talked about our day, ate, and went to sleep. Blade is actually the one who talks the most. We didn't say much, I wasn't going to tell them I just met the Prince and got a bad impression of me, but I couldn't stop thinking about this dude.

After dinner, I went to my room and started researching about this Kaden, wow he was hot! Their parents had a story, a really wonderful one. Her sister is now the Queen and has a child, and his brother is married to the queen of France. I didn't know much about Illea, it is a powerful country and so big, I only knew that they used to have something called Casts until King Maxon annulated them. I didn't like royalty, all those jobs and responsabilities they have, just imagining how that would have been like caused me a headache. And in Sulambia, we had a president, not that I like him much, and neither does our people. That is why maybe this place is so dangerous and goes from a war that never ends.

And then it's when I saw his Birthday was just yesterday. There was more, he had just broken up with a girl called Josie Woodwork, no idea who she is but it said that it left him heartbroken, I thought maybe he left Illea because of her.

I couldn't deal with all this royal drama so I went to bed. "Tomorrow is going to be just as normal", I thought, "anything out of the ordinary". I hope.

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