Chapter 4 Violet

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After my pleasant talk with the Prince, I went back to the restaurant and sat down with my family.

- "You never told us you knew the Prince"- Said Auden, of course, he had to come up with that subject.

-" I don't, we just met once and we will not see each other again"- I cut him off, I didn't had to explain anything to him.

-"Well that didn't seem like a one-time meeting"- he said

-" Why does this concern you all of the sudden? you are only interested in fame and recognition, but what about our parents Auden? do you even ask how dad is? how we are doing?"- 

 The only response was silence, so I kept going...

-" That's what I thought, what about when you ask us how we are then I'll please tell you, by then I don't have to explain or tell you anything about my life"-

-" Violet! don't be like that to your brother"- Mom said

-" So now you are going to defend him mother?"- I said, angry

-"I am not defending anyone, can't we just be a normal family and eat, we can discuss this later"-

-" The thing is that we are not a normal family, besides I am no longer hungry so I will head home"- And with that, I stood up and went home.

When I got home Dad was there, of course, he was asleep, that is what he usually does nowadays since he can no longer go outside. I went to my room and closely closed the door. I was angry at Auden for being a stupid interested person, at mom for not seeing the clear picture of anything and at Blade for always being so perfect. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them about the Prince, all Auden will do is take advantage of him and let us all look like freaks against a Prince. And I wasn't going to tell mom because she'll use me to make the Prince help us with our problems. I loved my family but they are not so good with people who have money and I wasn't going to let the Prince think like that of my family, and especially me.

I couldn't sleep, everything was so messed up now. I started to wonder if my deal with the Prince was a good idea. What if my family found out? I didn't show it but I actually want money, Sulambia is not a very good country I would want to spend the rest of my life in, I need money to apply for artistic colleges in other countries. Of course, my parents would not put a penny on that path, so I need to get it myself.

The next day, I got right out of bed, ate breakfast very fast, went to the plaza and there was the Prince, already waiting for me on the bench.

-" Good morning dear," he said

-"You don't have to call me dear, just Violet"- I said, I hated all of those formalities.

-" Very well Violet, where are you going to take me today?"-

-" I was actually planning to ask what kinds of things interest you the most, and by that, I can pick"-

-" Sounds good to me"-

We talked for a while, he really liked fencing I could tell, but really liked other sports too, he told me he knew how to speak various languages and was the best athlete in his family. I was kind of surprised, I never knew a Prince could do all of those things, I thought almost everything was made and planned out for them to do that they didn't even have time to have a hobby. That is why I decided to take him to one of the soccer stadiums.

We watched the game, then I took him to a famous restaurant where they served Meat since Sulambia is best known for the meat we prepare. I could tell he really liked it, and I could see something in him that I haven't seen in anyone before.

-"So, did you liked it today? was it in your standard"- I said

-"I loved it, thank you Violet I never felt like this in a while"- he said, I could tell he was talking really serious.

-" Well I am glad, you know it is really hard to find a place that fits royalty status"-

" I guess I am not a regular Prince then"-

"I guess not"-

"See you tomorrow?"-

"See you tomorrow"- 

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