Your eyes widened for a second. " Unless... Ash handled them."

You took a few seconds to breathe and think about what you were going to do next. " What should I even do now... I mean i'm supposed to be dead right now. That's what the Queen wants. That's what she raised me for. That's my purpose in life. I'm supposed to die." You looked down at the floor and whispered, " But what do I want?"

" I want... I want...." You trailed off as you noticed the smell of smoke coming near. " The fire is getting closer. I should get out of here and find Ciel somehow." Suddenly you fell into a chorus of coughing. You covered your mouth with your hands while coughing and when you finally stopped, you quickly noticed the dark blood in your hands. " Am I..." You clenched your fists and ran towards the front doors.


You were coughing and panting like crazy.

The smoke was dark and insanely thick. " W..what is all this destruction?" You put an arm up to your mouth to help you breathe a little better. You could see plenty of people franticly running around like little ants. Some were fleeing homes while others were trying to save people trapped indoors. Everything was covered in red hot flames. All of England was set on fire and watching all this death made you want to cry. "No", You thought. Now was certainly not the time to cry.

You eventually made it to a part of the city that was still in flames, but completely abandoned now. 

You had been running for 15 minutes straight now and you were exhausted. Not only that, but your body was already weak to begin with.  

" Aaah!" You tripped on a large piece of burning timber wood and fell flat on your face. " Ouch.... god dammit I still have to keep moving." You got on your knees, closed your eyes, and tried to breathe. It was as if you could hear your own heart beat in that instant. It was beating with such intensity that your chest ached with pain.

" Sebastian I order you to kill him!"

" yes, M'lord."

You speedily opened your eyes at Ciel's and Sebastian's voices. " Did I just hear what I think I did?" 

Looking up onto a tall buildings roof, you saw three figures. Two of which seemed to be Ciel and Sebastian, while the third looked to be.... Ash landers!? 

" I have to get up there. Wait, but how?" You gazed at the tall building and noticed that the whole thing was filled with flames inside. " i suppose taking the stairs isn't an option -_-. Hm, how about the pipe?" You shivered at the dangerous idea of climbing that pipe to the roof, however still ran towards it.


" Ughh!!!! I...!!!" You placed one hand onto the roof and then the other, before hoisting yourself upwards. Your hands hurt like heck because the pipe had been quite hot. Even so, you ignored it like it was nothing. Besides, your waist and throat hurt ALOT more than anything else right now.

The first thing you noticed was that Sebastian and Ash seemed to have been fighting before you came onto the roof. Sebastians forehead was bleeding and Ash had scratches on his cheek. Both of them were staring right at you with a surprised expression. For some reason you didn't take that much to care as you searched for Ciel. 

" Ciel..." You saw Ciel standing not to so far behind Sebastian and he seemed to be unharmed. " That's good" You thought.

" ( Y/ N )" 

" Huh?" you looked up and saw Ciel rush forward and hug you.

You stood there shocked for a moment before hugging him back. 

Secrets, death, runaways and demons!? ( Ciel  x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now