Chapter 8: Cold water

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Slam! The door of your room shut.

You were breathing heavily after running throughout the manor trying to get to your room. You had locked the door and slid down to the floor, head in knees. 

" I cant believe it..." 

Just then a silent knock came from your door followed by a familiar voice. 

" Y/N, are you in there?" it belonged to Sebastian. " The young master would like to talk with you."

Your heart ached just thinking about talking with Ciel. You didn't think you could explain yourself to him.

 Not only that but" ...would he even understand?.... would he just send me back?...." Your thoughts raced.

"Y/N, please open the door. The young master needs an explanation for your sudden change of... gender."

Only silence came from inside your room. Sebastian looked at his Young master and waited a minute or two before unlocking the door with his own set of keys. 

What Sebastian and Ciel saw however was quite unexpected....

The window was open causing the white drapes to dance around. 

Ciel rushed to the window just in time to see you riding one of his horses into the wood.

" Quick! Sebastian! Get me my horse!" 

" Yes, right away". 


Your ( L/C/H ) flowed out behind you as you rode the stallion deeper and deeper into the wood. 

You couldn't stay at the manor any longer if they found out who you really were.... .

The clouds were a dark grey as you looked up at the sky. 

Running was the only option.

Meanwhile Ciel was gaining up on you. 

He could clearly see you for a little while, until it started to rain. The heavy rain hid you from his sight as he still tried to follow behind you.

It was harder for you to see what was up ahead as it began to rain buckets. You squinted and just as you thought you had reached a clearing.... 

" Aaaah!" Your scream was almost completely drowned out by the rain. 

The horse had just bucked you off its back and in turn... you were tossed into a river.

The moment you hit the water, you felt the freezing water engulf you under despite all your desperate movements to get to the surface. It had taken you at least 4 min before your arms became tired and your legs weak from moving around like a worm.

You felt numb and cold as you stopped struggling and began to sink under.

You felt numb and cold as you stopped struggling and began to sink under

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Your ( C/E ) eye's were dull and your body completely still. The last thing you remember was raising a hand upwards to the water and closing your eyes.


" Such a fool".

You opened your eyes to the silent voice above you. 

It was Ciel.

He was holding you against his chest and breathing heavily. He was... wet though.

"He must have jumped into the water to fetch me." You thought looking up at him.

" Your awake then" Ciel looked down at your still dull looking eyes obviously aware that you were in a daze. 

Though he jumped into the same freezing water you were in, he was warm. His chest was giving off this warm furnace sensation. You couldn't help but smile.

" I'm taking you back to the manor ( Y/N ), and you'll tell me everything then." 

You didn't nod and you didn't shake your head either. Instead, a few tears formed in your eyes as you let Ciel pick you up with ease.

He set you on his horse in front of him and held the reins behind you. 

It was raining much less now and when you began to close your tired eyes... one more teardrop rolled down your face. 

This last teardrop wasn't of sadness though. You were crying of happiness.

Ciel had found you... 

And somehow with him... 

you knew you were safe.



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