Chapter 12: A day with the servants

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" Wait! No!"

 There you were....

on the floor in an alley way.

Ciel was being held up against a brick wall by someone. 

You couldn't see who was holding him there because your vision was all blurry. However you could see the person had red hair. 

To the other side of the alley way, you saw Sebastian fighting someone who seemed to be carrying some sort of weapon.

The only thing you did know was, Ciel was in danger. 

The person who was holding up Ciel took out a long dagger. 

You screamed out for him but nothing came out of your mouth as the dagger slashed him. You couldn't do anything at all. All you could do was watch. 

You stayed there lying on the dirty floor as Ciel's face tilted towards you.

Your eyes widened at his face.... it had... it had no more life...

You screamed at this sight but once again nothing came out.


You had been staring at Ciel for over 15 min straight now. You couldn't take your eyes off him.

The dream you had... the dream you had last night felt so real.

It was nice to know that it was just a dream though. Being here and seeing Ciel's face full of life was nice. 

Well maybe not full of life... he's a pretty serious kid. But still. 

Ciel had obviously noticed you were staring at him like nuts, because he finally asked,

 " What. Do I have something on my face?"

" Huh? What? Oh I just..." You looked around the table and said " I um...actually I had a dre..."

You were saved by a small bark noise coming closer and closer. 

" Huh?" your face lit up immediately once you saw a tiny puppy racing toward you.

Sebastian was rushing behind it with a " Get back here" sort of expression. You got out of your seat and got on your knees ushering for the puppy to come to you. The puppy immediately pounced into....

Ciel's arms!?

" Heyyy" You said disappointingly as you watched the eager puppy licking Ciel's face.

" W..what...aaah! What is this dog doing! Sebastian get this thing off of me!" Ciel was trying to get the dog away from his face.

Sebastian quickly grabbed hold of the puppy and apologized to the frowning young lord. " I apologize for the puppy, young lord. But this puppy was found my Miss ( Y/N ) and he was hurt. She asked me to patch him up. She also counts on keeping him."

Ciel looked at you with a bothered expression and sweat dropped. " Yes, well if ( Y/N ) would like to keep the dog then... we shall let her. However, keep that dog away from me ( Y/N )."

You smiled brightly as you got up from your knees and took the little puppy from Sebastian's arms. " Hey there little guyyy".

The dog began to lick your face now. You smiled but then smiled even wider when you looked at Ciel again. You were happy that Ciel had begun to call you by your plain old name.

" I wonder..." You thought, " Could we become friends?" this thought remained in your head for awhile.

For the rest of the breakfast you had stopped looking at Ciel and focused on your new puppy. Trying to distract yourself from your dream.

Secrets, death, runaways and demons!? ( Ciel  x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now