Chapter 21: Hell fire

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Screams. You could hear the faint sound of screams as you woke up.

Your body had been curled up against the door for knows how long and you felt exhausted but you felt a little more stronger. 

" I smell..." You sniffed the air for a while until you realized you smelled smoke. And a lot of it too. 

" What's going on?" You got on your knees and looked through the key hole of the door. You could see a bright light in the hall way. It was fire.

" Oh no...." You slowly stood up with your weak legs and began shaking at the door knob. " No, no, no! I'm stuck!"

After a moment you stopped trying to open the door and went to the window. " Oh my god...." You put both hands to your mouth and saw fire coming from the city. In fact there was fire everywhere. You even heard faint screaming coming from the burning city. " Queen Elizabeth... how could you?"

You quickly wiped away the tears that were forming at your eyes and tried to open the window. " It's locked...". You franticly looked around the room for something. Anything at all.  Anything you could use to get out of here.

 " A hair pin!"

You ran to the jewelry box in front of the mirror and in your hurrying state, accidentally dropped the box on the floor. A minute passed and you couldn't find a single hair pin. " No!" You were so mad that you through the jewelry box at the wall where the painting was. 

" What?..." The painting tilted back and revealed part of a hole in the wall. 

You hurried over to the painting and took it off the wall. In the paintings place there was a square shaped hole in the wall that was big enough to fit a small adult. Looking closer at the hole, you noticed that it was a tunnel that led into darkness. " All these years and I never knew this was here".

" I wonder where it leads..." You thought.

You turned your head to the door where smoke was beginning to come through and you shook your head. " There's no other choice." 

With both hands, you hoisted yourself up into the hole ad got on your knees, ready to crawl. 


You've been crawling in darkness for a while now. 

The tunnel was damp and cool which felt nice on your skin. The only problem was that you didn't know where you were going. " Honestly.... where am I even headed right now. -_-"

You began to notice that your body seemed to be crawling upward. " The tunnel must be going up now."

You sighed and thought about who your father must have been. " So my mother married an... angel? And I have magic flowing through me? Why did my parents give me away so easily? Did they not want me? Is there something wrong with me? Why does Queen Elizabeth want England to fall? Why is Ash helping her? Is Ciel going to come and save me? Does he even care about me? Does Ciel feel the same way I do about him?" All these different thoughts rushed through so fast that it hurt your head. 

Before you knew it, you bumped your forehead hard on something. " Ouch!"

" A dead end." You felt what was in front of you but you only felt was seemed to be dirt. Then you put your arms above you and pushed up on something. " No way, a trap door?" You pushed the trap door open and pulled yourself out of the hole and into a large room. 

" The tunnel led to the lobby of the castle." You took a moment to observe the large room. "Is the top of the castle the only part that was set fire? If that's the case, than the fire should be here soon." You looked around for a second and noticed that there were zero guards. " Where did they all go? The city is on fire so shouldn't they be helping?"

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