Chapter 13: You can't come

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" Um, Ciel?" You walked into Ciel's study slowly and quietly while holding your puppy. " What would you like to discuss?"

Ciel was in the middle of reading when he looked up and smirked. " Ah, ( Y/N ). Come, sit down." Ciel motioned to the comfortable looking chair in front of him.

You nodded slowly and walked over to the chair taking a seat. 

" Have you found a name for your dog yet?"

" Oh, I..." Before you could say no, you remembered Baldroy's, Mey-rin's, and Finnian's past's. Each of them had some sort of terrible thing to do... each of them had once had a duty to uphold. After meeting them it seemed as if you weren't the only one who knew the meaning of duty. 

" Kanzei..." You softly murmured gazing into the crackling fire. 

The fire reflected into your ( C/E ) as Ciel asked " Kanzei? What does that mean?"

You smiled and said " It mean's 'duty' in Japanese. I once had a tutor brought in by Elizabeth...he taught me some Japanese every once and awhile. Kanzei was one of the word's he had taught me."

Ciel slowly nodded " I see".

" If I may, I think Kanzei is a wonderful name Miss ( Y/N )." Sebastian smiled and bowed a little.

Mhm... Kanzei was the perfect name... you just knew it.


It had been 10 full minutes of Ciel and you drinking tea in silence. 

You were stroking Kanzei's soft fur on your lap as you took a last sip of your tea before placing it down. 

It was quite obvious that Ciel was thinking of what he was about to tell you. Actually, you were curious about WHAT he wanted to tell you. He hadn't changed his mind and decided to send you back?.... had he?

" As you know, about a week ago you and I ad discussed the matter of Jack the Ripper."

You nodded looking him in the eyes.

" Well, Sebastian here HAS taken care of finding Jack the Ripper's next victim like we had wanted. We now know where and when to catch him at the right time and place."

Your face lit up in this response. " You mean! We can take down Jack!?"

Ciel looked away from you and placed his chin in his hand. " Tonight at midnight Jack will attack his next victim. Im afraid... you can't come."

"Wait... excuse me!? And why not!?"

Ciel rolled his eyes " Don't ask such a dumb question."

He still wouldn't look you in the eyes as he spoke again. " Your the princess of England ( Y/N ).  You can't just risk your life like that in action. You'd be facing a serious time murderer here. This isn't a game... If we lose you than it would be my fault.  Not to mention that England could fall withought a future Queen."

Ciel spoke with a cold and silent voice. He knew he had in a certain way betrayed your deal of fully helping him with the case.

" Arf!" 

Kanzei hopped off your lap as you slowly stood. Your front hair casting a shadow over your eyes as you walked over to Ciel. 

Just like that you grabbed Ciel's front collar pulling him up and shaking him. 

" Why would I care!? It's up to me when it comes to what I do with my life! You can't just stop me from helping you!!!"

Your pretty ( C/E ) showed you were furious as you yelled and pulled Ciel back and forth. He was like a rag doll as he moved about violently.

Secrets, death, runaways and demons!? ( Ciel  x Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt