Chapter 20:

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" ....." You slowly opened your ( E/C ) eyes.

"W..what...?" Your voice was very hoarse and extremely quiet as you stared at the ceiling above you.

Your eyesight was blurry and you tried to move your legs, but your whole body felt weak and very limb. 

" voice and body are so w..weak..." You gave an abrupt cough and an immediate ache came to your side waist. 

" W..wait... Ciel... and Jack the Ripper.... what happened?" 

Flash backs of what happened immediately came flooding in. Your head began to hurt.

 You wanted to sleep again, but you didn't know where you were yet and what happened. 

" I..I think I know this room..." 

You immediately recognized a small painting on the wall next to you

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You immediately recognized a small painting on the wall next to you. It was the painting of a simple family having a picnic. The son was happily eating a sand which as his sister lay on the ground gazing at the clouds in the sky. Both parents were smiling at their children as they sipped their afternoon tea. 

Yes. You knew this painting. You knew it very well. You had spent many nights gazing at it and sometimes even crying yourself asleep looking at it.

For a long time you had wanted to be that little girl in the painting gazing at the clouds. You wanted to hear your mothers voice say, " What do you see up in the sky, sweetheart?" and you would say " Nothing yet, but i'll keep searching." And then your brother would come lay next to you and say, " I'll search with you." Then you would spend the rest of the day gazing at the sky with your family. 

Even though Queen Elizabeth had raised you since you were little, you never thought of her when you imagined your mom. 

Instead you would imagine the most beautiful women in the world who had the prettiest ( L/C/H ) that rested as curls on her shoulder. She would also have ( C/E ) that were filled with kindness and love. She wore a gorgeous (F/C) dress that matched her so well. And most of all, she would smile the most amazing smile when she looked at you and spoke words that were so soft and smooth they would hypnotize anyone.

" ( Y/N ). My precious ( Y/N )." Is what she would always say as she spread out her arms to you.

The faint memory of your imaginary mom began to disappear from your mind as you snapped back to reality.

" I'm...i'm in my old room.... in the castle." You thought.

" How did I g..get here...?" The first thought that came to your mind was that Ciel had given you back to the Queen since maybe the Jack the Ripper case was over.

" No...Ciel wouldn't do that..." Ciel would wait before handing you over. Especially if you were unconscious.

" The Queen... she must have taken me by force." You thought about how she might have done this for a little bit before realizing the situation you were in.

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