Chapter Four.

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Dean's POV:

Jessicka Havok was an Indy wrestler when Sami and I were up and coming. She wrestled for several indywrestler wrestling promotions including one known as Women's Superstars Uncensored where is she is a former two-time WSU champion. Sami and Havok hated each other back then. That's not exaggerating either. Everyone knew that Jess had a huge crush on him but she didn't express it normally. She's pick on him and bully him because if you've seen Jess, she's a very...intimidating? Yeah, intimidating woman. She's slightly bigger than Sami and I but not necessarily in weight but she was built. Let's just say I'd pay to see her and Roman in an arm wrestling match.

Anyways, their rivalry was pretty intense. Back in Indy wrestling, even though it was rare, women versus men matches were normal. If you wanted to challenge someone, it can literally be anyone within the promotion. Gender wasn't an excuse. Jess challenged Sami, which threw me off completely and stunned everyone because we all thought she liked him. This, of course, pissed Sami off. Pushed him over the edge. He'd refer to her as "that woman" and would go on and on about how much he hated her. I believe Sami liked her too. Sami accepted her challenge immediately and the news spread. Sami Callihan versus Jessicka Havoc was apparently all the rage on different social networks. People placing their bets on who'd win and honestly? I put my money on her. Sami had no chance. Smartest decision I'd ever made. Jessicka won the match.

Sami was even more pissed off about that. Getting beat by a woman must have been the most embarrassing thing in his career but it isn't like Havok is your average woman. She's big. She's built like a machine is the best way I can describe her. She's two inches taller but always refers to him as "short stuff" which sent him over the edge. I believe he snapped on her one day and that was the first day I'd ever seen her genuinely hurt. Not physically but emotionally. I don't think Sami realized how his words hit her. I was there backstage when he tore into her I won't get into all that he said because it was so awful that it's not worth repeating. Sami has a temper and when I tell people he does, they don't believe me because of how silly and carefree he is now. But I know him, I know Sam Johnston (that's his real name) and he's not as happy as he seems. And all Havok was guilty of was falling for him.

I guess that's all behind them now because when she was at the top of the entrance ramp, a huge smile spread across his face at her. A smile that only appears when AJ is around. I glanced at Roman and I can tell we were both thinking the same thing. Sami and Havok. It makes sense. I smirked and we both nodded toward each other. That's a Shield thing. Always formulating plots. I held out my fist toward him and we didn't have to say anything, he just clinked his with mine.

I watched Havok make her scary and intimidating entrance. She wore a gas mask, which was weird for everyone else, but I wasn't shocked. That's how strange she was. I guess that's how her, Sami, and I got along so well back then. She's one woman that I'm strictly just friends with which is shocking to most considering...I'm me. Usually I try to sleep with a woman just to see if I can but nah, not with Jess. She was like a sister. It would've been weird. Havok spotted Sami and walked over to us. She stopped in front of him and I watched him nod to her. Her music stopped as she stood in front of him with the only thing separating them being the barricade.

Aj squeezed my hand so I looked at her. She looked at me but not for long because her focus was Havok and Sami. I don't know what it is but I'm seeing something I haven't seen in her since I kissed Renee that one time. I believe it's jealousy but I don't want to say that because she's with me. I glanced between AJ, Sami, and Havok. Havok continued to stare at Sami, Sami stared back, and the flames in Aj's eyes were quickly rising. Mine were too so I punched Sami's arm and he completely snapped out of it giving me a confused look. The fans around us were stunned because apparently Havok isn't one for fan interaction. Both Alicia and Roman were just watching us all.

Eventually, Havok did look away. Her opponent tried to come up and attack her growing impatient. Havok dropped her championship and Taryn connected punches left and right toward her and the crowd cheers. Guess Havok was the heel. Sami frowned and started yelling for Havok to get up which got him weird looks from fans. Not too often you got someone cheering for the bad guy..or at least aloud. Almost as soon as Sami started chanting for her to "pick it up" she literally had done that. She connected a punch that would remind you of the ones Kane would connect and Taryn stumbled back. Havok rose to her feet, pointed in a what I like to call a Callihan way, then grabbed her neck. She lifted the poor girl in the air and slammed her against the metal ramp completing a choke slam.

"Damn," I said in shock. "God damn," Roman added. "She just got choke slammed the fuck out." We all laughed at Alicia's comment as Havok picked the girl up again dragging her to the ring but first taking her gas mask off. She handed it to Sami in the crowd then smiled at him and, once again, Sami smiled back. Something's up with those two for sure. She grabbed Taryn up and put her over her shoulder walking down to the ring. Havok rolled her inside and slid behind her. She picked Taryn back up by her throat, raised her up high, then choke slammed her again.

Taryn Terrell was lied there motionless. Havok pinned her locking eyes with Sami as the referee counted. 1...2...3 and the match was over. I thought she was dead but nah, wrestling don't kill you. Not that way anyway. The way Havok demolished Taryn though you would think differently. Havok didn't have to pin her to win because after the first chokeslam we knew. The TNA fans booed but they have more balls than I do because there's no way I was booing that. Like it or not, that was impressive. The referee handed her her championship but Havok wasn't focused on anyone or anything.

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