Chapter Fifteen.

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Author's POV:

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for is finally upon us!

Next, we will witness a battle between best friends, between former tag team partners as Dean Ambrose is set to take on Solomon Crowe!

You guys, this battle is more than just about jealousy but we've learned now that this is simply a battle over AJ's heart!

We spoke to Dean Ambrose earlier today and this is what he had to say about tonight's contest.

The screen above the ramp began to show an interview that Dean had done earlier with Renee Young.

R: Dean, tonight you'll be facing Solomon Crowe, a man you've known throughout your wrestling career. My question to you is, what is your game plan with this battle against your best friend?

D: My game plan tonight is quite simple. I don't have one. Now, this is the part where I'm suppose to yell and scream and cut some wild, crazy promo right? Well Renee, I'm just not feeling it tonight. In fact, screw everything. You see you may know the man I'm facing tonight as Solomon but I know him as my little brother, Sami. And quite frankly, I really don't want to fight him. Not like this.

R: Are you saying you're not prepared for tonight's match because you don't want it to happen?

D: That's exactly what I'm saying.

R: Dean, one more question. AJ Lee, now people have been saying for months now that this war between you guys started out with her. AJ and Solomon being spotted out more than you two. Now we have the AJ/Sami fans then we have the AJ/Dean fans. This match is set just to determine who she'll choose and which side wins. Is there any truth to that?

D: Just because April and I don't go out in public as much or act like one of those couples that are all over each other all the time, doesn't mean we're not in love. AJ and I have our fights and disagreements but that little lady is my best friend. I'm proud to call her mine and as for Sami, he can't come between that. This match, to him, may mean the battle for AJ's heart but it isn't. At the end of the day, if April loves Sami as much as he believes she does, she wouldn't have said yes to my proposal last week. But it's like I said, I don't want a war with my little brother. This ends later tonight.

With that, Dean walked away from the interview. He meant what he said about the "war" he has with Sami. It's gotten way out of hand and he's not even sure why they're fighting. What is this war actually about anyway? Is it April or is it jealousy that Dean was called by WWE first? Could it be both? It could, but this is just ridiculous. Could they not just handle this outside the ring? Did it really have to come down to this? Dean shook his head and started punching the air as he went to his locker room.

Now later on, we caught up with the man, the myth, the legend Solomon Crowe just to see how well prepared he is for tonight's match. Take a look here.

The screen then cut to the interview that Sami did with Eden earlier that day as well.

E: Solomon, tonight is your big debut here and what a way to break in the WWE Universe by taking on one of the crowd's fan favorites the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. Solomon, you must be stoked.

S: More than stoked! I'm over the moon, Eden! I'm on cloud nine! The level I'm at, you couldn't even reach. I'm excited, I'm nervous, I think I might throw up, I got the pre game jitters going, look at these hands they're shaking! I'm so pumped for tonight's match against Dean Ambrose that I'm antsy, as you can already tell.

E: Solomon, are you prepared for tonight's contest against your best friend?

S: More than Eden, more than. We kinda have this thing, you know? We've wrestled each other in a different setting, I won't mention the promotion BUT, we have wrestled each other. I know his strengths, I know his weaknesses, and tonight I plan on exploiting said weaknesses. Tonight, is Solomon Crowe's night. It's not Dean Ambrose, it's me! They'll be chanting my name tonight, CROWE! CROWE! CROWE! That, Eden, is how the songs of Solomon will be sung.

E: What is your game plan, Crowe?

S: My game plan? A secret but I will tell you the end result of it. Tonight, I'm here to do what I can to prove that I am better, faster, stronger, more athletically gifted than Dean Ambrose. And in the words of a good buddy of mine, who's name I will not mention, you can believe that.

E: One last question. Where does AJ Lee fit into this equation? Some would say you have a bit of an obsession with her that may just be the most danger she's ever been in. Anything to say to that?

Sami at that moment took out his switchblade, causing Eden to jump. She watched him nervously and he felt that she was nervous, so he grinned. He tossed it around and around in his hand, playing with it carelessly.

S: I don't have much to say about little AJ but I do have this one message to her I'd like to say. Just remember AJ, win, lose, or draw, I always get what I want. However I want, whenever I want it, I WILL GET WHAT I WANT. And what I want?

Sami pointed the end of his switchblade toward Eden's throat then laughed when she stared at him frightened. He removed it and pointed to the camera instead after awhile.

S: is you. You belong to me. You have been warned.

Sami shoved the camera out of his face, ending the interview on his own terms. He walked away with a huge grin on his face. He was smiling about how well his scary, psychotic character is developing so far. That meant great things for him soon. Of course, it was his character that he had the scary, obsession with AJ. Not he, himself. Sami couldn't hurt April if he tried.

Later, we requested an interview with Aj Lee but she refused to comment on tonight's main event.

Well you guys, the moment is finally upon us. Who will win tonight's main event?

Will it be Dean Ambrose, the man who originally won AJ's heart?

Or will it be Solomon Crowe, the man who feels as though AJ belongs to him?

We will find out next!

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