Chapter Fourteen.

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"I just don't know what to do. On one hand, there's Dean. Dean's my rock. Sure, we fight like crazy. Sure, we hate each other sometimes and of course, he makes me cry. But that's what couples do. They fight, they say cruel things, but they always pull through. Always. Dean and I are no different. He's the best. No, he's more than the best. He's funny, smart, charming, and knows what he wants when he wants it. He has the best heart...but then there's Sami. I knew I was in big trouble the day I hung out with him. Sami is all those things I listed about Dean and more. I feel kind of..drawn to him, you know?"

Casey blinked and smirked, drooling all over the finger that was in his mouth. Oh my god, what is wrong with me? I'm talking to a one year old about my relationship issues. I leaned back holding him close against my chest whispering, "Casey, why can't they both just be one person so this could be a lot more easier?" "Because life is never easy, Ape." I jumped and held him away from me staring at him. Oh god. I'm losing it. That's it, just lock me away in a nuthouse. "Casey?" "Casey's father actually. Look up, silly." I sighed when I looked up realizing it was Colby. Good. I'm not crazy. I still have some sanity left.

"We're talking to babies now? That's what it's come to?" Colby laughed, sitting on the couch across from me. I glared at him, "I'm going through major, MAJOR issues in my relationships and if talking to a one year old is some form of therapy for me, you shouldn't laugh at it." "Oh for crying out loud. Celeste, come out here! Your best friend is asking our son advice on her relationship as a form of therapy. I told you she was really nuts!" "At least I didn't turn my back on my brothers." Colby stopped and stared at me, "Oh so you're going to be Jon now? Take what I did professionally and use it against me personally? That's fair."

"You guys," Celeste came from the back and picked the baby up from my arms, "No arguing in front of the baby." Colby didn't listen to that of course and continued, "AJ, you need to choose between Sami and Dean. This can only go on for so long and the choice is so blatantly obvious. It's staring at you right in the face." "You're right," I smiled then poked Casey's nose, "I choose Casey." Both Celeste and I laughed but Colby just shrugged, "Or Dean. I mean, why should he suffer because Sami has a little crush on you? Sami will survive without you, he's been doing a pretty good job of it but Dean? He ain't gotta chance without you."

"But what about Sami?" Celeste asked. She walked over and sat next to me while rocking Casey in her arms. I shrugged. Celeste cleared her throat, "April, I'm not saying choose Sami. Follow your heart but don't count Sami out. Who cares if he wasn't first to love you? He still loves you. He's crazy about you. He makes it his prime goal to make you smile at least once a day whether it's unintentional or not. He does that too. You slept with him because you feel the exact same way but you're avoiding him because you can't say no to him. Honestly, you guys are cuter."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Colby exclaimed. "No, no, no. Ambrose is finally the most sane he's ever been in his entire life. Why jeopardize that? AJ, he got down on one knee in front of the WWE universe and proposed to you. He's never even expressed interest in marriage before. You've changed him and-" "She's changed Sami too." I glanced between Colby and Celeste as they started arguing on who I should choose. I slowly took Casey back and looked at him as his parents argued, "Your mommy and daddy look like they're about to have heart attacks over my love life. Who do you think I should pick Casey?"

All Casey did was smirk and drool. I laughed then squeezed him gently, "I hope my future child is as cute as you." "And by Dean," Colby added. Celeste shook her head, "You mean Sami." "Oh my god Celeste, you're unbelievable!" Colby got up quickly and stormed off toward the back. I looked at my best friend and asked, "Are you guys seriously arguing over my love life?" She sighed, "I'm afraid it's beyond that, Ape. My advice? Just follow your heart okay?"

"I plan to and that starts with a chat with a Mr. Samuel Alton Johnston."
I felt like this was cute. Idk.

So, Colby (Seth) and Celeste (Kaitlyn) are basically you guys as the shippers.

I'm honestly so split in half on who should she be with myself. Crazy, isn't it?

I know what I want to happen but as far as her choosing? Idk myself.

I feel like if I pick one side, the other side will be upset and not read this story anymore.

Or maybe the third story, if there is one.

So, who are you? Team Dean or Team Sami?

I know what some of you are going to say because some of you have made it clear who you're pulling for.

Or maybe some of you are like me and just really don't know.

Anyways, I enjoy writing this a lot but I've just been kind of in a block with this story so. That's why updates are slow with this one.

I'll get out of it eventually.

But yeah vote, comment, or just read (like I know some of you do) and I'll see you next time! ❤️

PS: I love long comments! ❤️

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