Chapter Two.

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Dean's POV:

"You're killing me." Is the first thing that left Sami's mouth when he saw the ring and I sighed, "Sami." "No. I don't want to hear it, Moxley. How can you propose to her? I'm in love with her too you know." "I know that, Sami, that's why I haven't done it yet. Sami, you have to move on from April because she's with me. I love her. Eventually, when the time comes, I-" "SHUT UP MOXLEY!" Sami yelled. He quickly got out of the car and I frowned. I wish there was a way to convince him that he needs to accept this. This is the reality of our situation and he's really having a hard time with this. I set him up on a date with Renee but Sami butchered that. I don't know how, I mean I wasn't on the date, but I just know that Sami came home afterwards telling AJ and I that they were better off as friends. Every time we ask what happened, he brushes us off not answering.

I didn't know what to do about Sami. He's my little brother and I've never seen him like this before. Usually, he'd just laugh this one off and be fine the next day but AJ and I's relationship is really bothers him. Even though he told me, back in our CZW days, that if I ever found someone that he'd be overjoyed that I'm happy. Then again, I also told him that I'd never find anyone. Guess he's not really adjusting to change well..I watched him outside pacing back and forth. He was tugging at his hair and talking to himself which means that it's best to leave him alone in this state of mind. I just really hope he's gonna be okay.

Aj's POV:
I saw Sami leave the car from where I was standing in the comic bookstore. He looked so upset so I paid for the three batman comics then made my way out the door. I quickly crossed the street and, instead of getting in the front with Dean, I went right up to Sami, who was standing behind the car. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. I continued smiling anyway, "Hey Sami." "Hi Jersey Devil." "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" "No." "Sami," I pretended to pout, "Please." "It's just...why is it that nothing goes right for me? Moxley gets all the breaks, you know. He gets the call from WWE first, he gets to NXT first, he gets called up to main roster first, he's the longest reigning US champion, he was apart of the infamous group The Shield, I mean he's literally apart of history already. Then there's me. Still waiting and waiting for my chance to be called up. I know I have the talent, I know I do, AJ you've seen me."

"Is that what this is about? Dean getting all the glory." "It's not just that but that's a huge part of it. He gets everything he wants and the funny thing is, is that we started out at the same time. Hell, we were a group once and yet, people pay to see him. To see what crazy thing Jon Moxley is gonna do next. No one ever pays to see The Callihan Death Machine." I frowned, "That's not true. Look how well you did for yourself when you two split. Sami, you have just as many fans as Dean. If not, more. You have no reason to be jealous of him. He doesn't have anything that you don't have yourself." "He has you."

I frowned, "Sami, I think it's best if you just-" "Don't tell me to move on. I've tried that." "Your one date with Renee Young doesn't count. You have to go on several dates with several different people and see what's out there. Come on." I punched his arm gently. He sighed, "If you say so. But you know, you'll always be the second leading lady in my life." "The second?" "Yeah, Cassidy is the first." "How is my favorite little girl?" "She misses her AJ. In fact, she's waiting for another Daddy/Daughter/AJ day." "Is she or is daddy waiting for daddy/daughter/AJ day." Sami put his hands up, "Guilty." I laughed and that's when Sami kissed my cheek. I turned heat red fanning myself, "Sami, stop while you're ahead sir. Are you okay now?" "Better now that you're here." I shoved him playfully then walked toward the front of the car, "Let's go." "Yes ma'am." Sami winked at me then entered the car again.

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