Chapter Seventeen.

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Sami's POV:

At some point after Jon made his exit, I passed out in the ring because that's how worn out was. He hasn't lost a beat since the last time I fought him in a match and I shouldn't have underestimated him, that was my mistake I guess. If I would've had it my way, we would've gone back and forth forever because neither of us had the balls to quit. Especially in front of April. But somehow, in the middle of all that, Jon grew some and decided to quit while he was still physically able to. In a way it was good but on the other hand, left a lot of questions.

What did all this mean? What's left? Better question, what was next in this storyline?

I opened my eyes and groaned, squinting my eyes at the bright lights. Who in God's name turned on the sun and decided to shine it directly in my fucking eyes?

"Well, well. He's alive." The sun was blocked out when April stood over me. It kinda made it look like she was an angel and all the white behind her was simply heaven.

What did I just say? God, I'm such a sap. Shut up, Sami.

"Did I win the match?" I asked but I knew the answer already.

"By count out but yeah, you won."

I tried to sit up but April placed her hand on my stomach stopping me, "You're not suppose to sit up for awhile. You took a pretty nasty beating out there and you guys went on longer than planned."

"Is that why I feel like shit?"

"Well yeah, you're dehydrated that's why you passed out. Among other things." She walked away and the sun decided to shine in my eyes.

"Hey, come back. Block out the sun, jersey." I said and she laughed.

"You're in trainer's office. I don't think there's any sunlight coming down on you buddy."

I smiled a little then looked around, "Where's Romeo, Juliet?"

"After he said that, he came here to get stitched up and now he's in his locker room currently. He told me to stay in here with you just in case you woke up and ta-da! You did."

"What a beautiful face to wake up to."

"Hey, Sami?" She asked.

"Hi." I smiled as she sat next to where she insisted I lie down.

"Tell me a story to kill time before the doc comes back."

"Tell you a story? Alright. Well, once upon a time there was this guy name Sami, who was terrible at telling stories. The woman he was madly in love with knew this but, because he simply was in love with her, he made one up on the spot. Just like that. It was a lame story about what they were doing that very moment and it was cheesy and stupid but it's like I said, Sami isn't a great storyteller when he's not cutting a scary promo."

I smiled as she laughed at me then shook her head, "Best story ever."

"I'm thinking of turning it into a book later on my career. It's going to be a best seller."

"I'll be the first buyer."

"You better be. The book's dedicated to you. Hell, it is you basically. Everything is you. The sun, the moon, the stars, everything is you. The world is nothing but a mere shrine of you, AJ."

"When I asked you to tell a story, I meant the one about Matt that you promised you'd tell me a long time ago."

"Oh," I said. "That. Well that's, it's a sad story. I wouldn't want to bring the mood way down."

"I want to know and understand why you were so depressed before you got the call from WWE. I want to know the real you, not the character on TV. I only know part of you and half of the story. I wanna know exactly who I'm."

She stopped in mid sentence out of nowhere and I looked at her. I knew what she was going to say because she unknowingly already admitted it to me when she was sleeping one night.

"Matt was a friend of mine since seventh grade. We grew up together and at some point, he told me he didn't wanna be a wrestler anymore. That was fine because he wasn't the best at it so, it made sense. So I'm wrestling around the world while Matt is in Ohio doing Matt things. All of a sudden I get a call from him saying that he wants to try and wrestle again. I said absolutely so he flies out to the ECW arena where CZW is filmed at and we mess around in the ring. He watched me train, I watched him, then I just noticed he gets tired. Now mind you, I've known Matt forever and for as long as I've known him, he's complained about headaches. So, he just said he had a headache."

"Someone comes up to him when he sat down because he said he was feeling dizzy. Whoever it was insisted that he go get some water and Matt is really stubborn and kept insisting he was fine. Eventually, they convinced him so he goes and the next thing I remember I hear "Sami! Sami! Come quick!" And I'm just confused at this point.."

I cleared my throat, "So like at this point they take me to see him and he's passed out and I'm just thinking "oh he's probably passed out due to heat exhaustion" because he trained harder than he ever did. So I'm holding him kinda until the ambulance comes, which was at least twenty minutes later. They take him and I call Chrissy and everybody and they meet me there at the hospital. They do and then all of a sudden the doctors tell me Matt's brain is like a vegetable. I didn't understand and he explains that basically he's brain dead and there's really nothing they can do. At this point I'm freaking out because Matt's dad isn't picking up, Matt is a vegetable, I'm snapping at doctors, everything went from good shit to shitty shit real quick."

"Then he died. The end." I didn't tell the rest because I'm sure she got the idea of it all. It's still difficult talking about all that because I felt responsible in a way for his death. The docs, Chrissy, my dad, everyone reassured me that it wasn't and that it was the tumor or whatever. I knew better.

April nodded and hugged me tightly. I smiled a little but I didn't get to enjoy the hug long because she hopped up, "I've decided."

"Decided?" I asked.

"Yes. And I'm going to tell you both tonight. Dinner at the house. You and the entire gang are coming okay? Swear to me."

"I swear."

She smiled, "Good. Now I have to prepare for tonight. So you get checked out by the good doctor."

That's when she opened the door and literally skipped away.

Her and that damn skipping...
I don't know how much longer this story will be due to the fact that I'm already running out of ideas.

This chapter was dull I know. Especially since I was remembering the story about Matt by memory (because that story is true about Sami's best friend, Matt).

I saw it on a Sami Callihan DVD.

Anyways, I didn't wanna just leave you guys hanging with this story though so.

Just comment what you think and I'll update whenever ❤️

Thanks guys ❤️

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