5. Someone Had Turned Her Volume Down.

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Kenzie hated the mall.

There was an infinite number of reasons why, but people like her just didn't belong there.

The last time Kenzie had been to the mall was two years ago, a couple of weeks before Adam ran away. She was with him, actually.

"Why are you getting so many things?" she had asked. Adam had just purchased many random home appliances. Cutlery, a flashlight, a blanket, paper plates, a metal water bottle and many other things.

Kenzie adjusted her new glasses. She was thankful for them because she was so nearsighted that she could barely see a foot in front of her.

Adam smiled, but it wasn't as big and happy as usual. It was lopsided, and seemingly forced. "I'm going on an adventure," he had told her with a wink.

Kenzie should have seen it coming.

Now, as she walked through the mall, Kenzie longed for her older brother. He was her only real family. Their parents barely knew they existed. They also were both only children, so no aunts, uncles or cousins for the Coleman kids.

But Adam was gone, and he was never coming back.

"Kenzie, are you listening?"

"Hmm?" Kenzie turned to look at Erin. It was her idea to come to the mall.

"I asked if you wanted something to eat..." the angel raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, I was just lost in my thoughts." Kenzie couldn't help but be honest around Erin, it must have something to do with her contagious kindness.

The girls arrived in the food court and stood in line for New York Fries.

"Hello, my name is Sarah. How can I help you?" asked the perky redhead behind the counter.

"Just a large fry and two ice teas will be fine," Erin said with a winning smile. She looked back at Kenzie as if to make sure she was alright with the order. Kenzie nodded. "Can you get us a table?" Erin asked.

"Sure," Kenzie said, turning. She scanned the crowd of people and took a deep breath. Just as she located an empty booth, she felt something on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, is this yours?"

Kenzie spun as soon as she heard that voice. "A-Ace?"

Ace Comet knit his eyebrows. "Um, should I recognize you?"

Kenzie blushed and tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear. She looked at the floor. "I... um, you're in m-my history c-class."

He blinked without recognition. "Oh... well, I think this is yours."

Ace was holding up Kenzie's leather bracelet. It was a bit big and fell off sometimes. She gently took it from his grasp. "T-thanks, Ace. T-that was k-kind of y-you."

A small smile tugged at the corner of the beautiful boy's gorgeous lips. "No problem," he said, and walked away.

Kenzie sat at the nearest empty table where she could hear Ace talking to his friends.

"Who was that freak?" One of his friends asked. Kenzie's shoulders sank. Surely Ace would stick up for her, he was such a nice guy.

"I don't know, some stuttering loser with a crush on me." Ace laughed and his conversation continued.

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