2. Scamper On Back To The Clearance Rack.

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Even before she realized one of them was at Kenzie's school, Erin was already feeling on edge.

The angel walked up the steps to Kenzie's front door and knocked.

A woman wearing a business suit with dirty blonde hair answered the door. "Who are you?" she asked bitterly.

Erin smiled and the woman's expression immediately softened. "Erin White, I'm your daughter Kenzie's friend."

All of a sudden Kenzie's voice was ringing through the house. "Yeah, Mom. This is Erin." Kenzie then appeared beside her mother.

Mrs. Coleman returned to being stiff again. "Well, you get off to school," she checked her watch, "you don't want to be late."

"Yes Mom," Kenzie muttered, brushing past her and walking outside.

Without another word, Mrs. Coleman shut the door behind her daughter.

Kenzie smiled sadly. "Sorry about my mom Erin. She's not a people person. Especially since-" Kenzie stopped herself and looked at the ground. "Never mind."

The two girls started walking to school.

"So," Kenzie prompted, "I have some questions..."

"Ask away."

"Were you once human?" Kenzie asked.

"I was," Erin replied.

Kenzie nodded. "Did you die young?"

Erin had a flash back of the blood and screaming.

"No! Don't leave me!" Natasha cried.

Erin rubbed her eyes to get rid of the terrible memories.

"Erin, you okay?" Kenzie looked worried.

"I'm fine," Erin answered, "And yes, I did die young. Age sixteen."

Kenzie closed her eyes momentarily. "Oh. Well, how did it.... happen?"

Erin stopped walking and kept those memories as far away as possible. "I don't feel like getting into that. Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Kenzie said with a shrug, "It's none of my business anyway."

"Do you have anymore questions?"

"One. When were you born?" Kenzie asked.

"December 17th, 1918. A long time ago, obviously."

Kenzie blinked. "Uh, yeah."

They walked the rest of the way to school silently after that.


"No, no, no!" Erin muttered when she saw him.

Erin and Kenzie had just arrived at school and Erin saw him leaning against the wall outside, talking to a few other boys.

"What is it?" Kenzie asked, worry clear in her eyes.

"See that boy over there?" Erin pointed to him. "He's your devil."

"My.... what?"

"Devil. He was assigned to you like I was. He is here to make my job really difficult." Erin turned to her friend. "Stay away from him at all costs. He can only hurt you."

"Is it weird that the thought of going to talk to him really appeals to me?" Kenzie bit her lip.

Erin shook her head. "No. That's totally normal."

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