1. Clouds and Angels and Unicorns, Oh My!

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Kenzie was pacing back and forth in her room, desperately trying to calm her breathing. Her hands gripped the ends of her long brown hair as she tried to pull herself together.

It was January tenth, the first day back at school after Christmas break. Kenzie was in no way ready.

They hated her. Every one at school hated her. She was a suicidal outcast with no friends. Kenzie didn't have anyone, for the past two years she's had no one. Kenzie's parents didn't even acknowledge her.

Kenzie paused her worried pacing to look at her reflection in the mirror. Her sad brown eyes stared back at her through her bronze wire-rimmed glasses.

All the words she's heard over the years echoed Kenzie's mind.







Waste of space


The list goes on.

"I need help," Kenzie admitted to herself.

Kenzie turned away from the mirror and switched on her radio. She switched the channel so she was on the one that played her favourite songs.

'Dying Inside' by Gary Barlow began to play, and Kenzie smiled.

Then she danced.

Dancing was the only thing that made sense in Kenzie's life. The way her body became one with the music had always calmed her.

Once the song was over, Kenzie knew it was time to leave for school. "Just six more months before summer," Kenzie muttered to herself.

She slid open the panel in the corner of her room on the floor and unlatched the latter so it would hit the carpet. Kenzie climbed out of the attic room and put the latter back.

She straightened her shirt and headed to the kitchen were her mother was sitting having breakfast.

"Morning," Kenzie tried.

"Mmm," Her mother Leah mumbled. That was the usual reply Kenzie was given.

Kenzie closed her eyes momentarily before grabbing an apple out the fridge.

The troubled girl grabbed her navy blue coat from the closet and slipped it on, along with her black boots. Kenzie grabbed her back pack and walked off to school.

The ground was piled with snow, white as paper. Kenzie buried her hands further into her coat pockets because she didn't have gloves.

Finally she reached her school grounds and she headed inside.

Biting her lip to keep calm, Kenzie maneuvered her way to her locker. She opened it and put in her back pack and coat. Kenzie grabbed her math textbook and headed off to class.

On the way, she noticed a new boy. He had midnight black hair and the bluest eyes Kenzie had ever seen. The boy was pale and had two lip rings and an eyebrow piercing.

Alex Whay, Evan Steer and Mike Grant were all talking with the new boy.

All of a sudden the new boy noticed Kenzie and locked her gaze with his. 'Hi' he mouthed.

We're Almost ThereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora