25. What's Wrong With Miss Sunshine?

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Twenty Five


No matter how badly someone hurts you, no matter how mean they are, sometimes you can't help but feel bad for them when they're going through something difficult.

Kenzie realized this, on Wednesday, while she waited for Erin to show up for lunch at school. Kenzie hadn't seen her all day, and was starting to get worried.

She sighed, shut her locker and walked to the cafeteria. Kenzie stopped in the bathroom to wash her hands, considering she'd just come from science, when she heard someone sobbing hysterically.

Her first instinct was to bolt. She didn't enjoy emotional confrontations, she had been in too many to count. However, Kenzie looked at herself in the mirror, and wondered where she'd be if no one had bothered to help her when she needed it.

Kenzie stepped around the semi-wall to see a dark haired girl crying in the corner. Not just crying, the girl was shaking with sobs.

"Um, are-are you okay?" Kenzie was biting at her lip.

The girl stopped crying suddenly, as if she just realized she wasn't alone. The girl muttered something, then looked up.

Kenzie stepped back when she saw Gracie Herrington's perfect face. Except it wasn't perfect anymore. Her makeup was smeared and her cheeks were tear-stained.

"C-Coleman?" Gracie sniffed miserably. "W-what are you doing i-in here?"

Trying to recollect herself, Kenzie said, "I could say the same."

Gracie made a noise that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob. "Fair enough."

The two girls then went through an awkward silence. Kenzie studied the water stained floors and vandalized walls. 'Kenneth wuz here' was sprawled in messy writing from a black marker beside the hand dryer.

"So," Kenzie finally said, not being able to leave someone – even Gracie Herrington, her long time bully – alone. Especially when they were this sad. "Are you alright?"

Gracie laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, I'm obviously fan-fucking-tastic right now." She looked down at the floor and sighed. "Do you believe in Karma?"

Karma was never something Kenzie would bet on, but she did believe it could happen. "Partially," she decided.

"So you know," Gracie continued, looking at the ground, "that Karma will screw me over. Probably great news for you."

"I don't think-"

"Who am I kidding? The universe has already started its battle with me." Gracie looked up. The tears were drying, and now she seemed mostly angry. Kenzie wanted to leave, but her feet seemed nailed to the floor. "You wanna know something? C'mere. Sit down." Gracie patted the section of floor next to her and reluctantly, Kenzie walked over, and sat beside her.

Gracie pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them. "Okay, here goes. Ace knocked me up." She paused, seemingly for dramatic effect. "So I found out yesterday and told him this morning, and he broke up with me. The bastard. It's not like I can just back out of this. Why can he? Anyway, I haven't gone to a single one of my classes, and you're the first person to talk to me. So, thanks, or whatever."

"You're pregnant?" Kenzie asked, missing almost everything else she said.

"Yep." Gracie bit her lip as her eyes got watery again. She looked at Kenzie sadly. "Dammit, I'm sorry about everything I did to you, Kenzie. I was a bitch. All those names and accusations. I was awful. And I found out the truth about what Ace did to you, at our party. I'm sorry for what I said. I was stupid, and didn't look at the situation properly."

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