Chapter- 9

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What is embarrassment..??

In simple words, it means, getting ashamed of something that you've done. But, it's just about the definition, when you take it in action, its more than that 13 letters word.

It's a feeling which can even eat you up because you're extremely ashamed of whatever happened due to which you're going through such a horrendous situation. People, even goes through some type of short-lived depression, if the issue is not so childish.

While, the other definition for embarrassment is when you end up doing something that shouldn't be done but still, you're not sad or depressed. You might look embarrassing to the world but from inside, something churn up..Something, that makes you feel a good way.

Manik Malhotra and Nandini Manik Malhotra were also going through the same feeling. They, were a couple who just got married days back, which could be even counted in fingers, yet they didn't want to be in this relation but only for the sake of their own restraints, they had to be in this relation.

But, they would have never thought, just because of agreeing to get married to each other would make them feel something that they've never felt, because, this feeling is literally, queering..

In Malhotra Mansion

The Gym

When he gets upset, he goes there. When he gets angry, he goes there. When he gets frustrated, he goes there. When he gets ill, he goes there. When he gets....oops, do you know who this person is..

Well, of course, your guess is right, its Manik Malhotra, because only he could be the person who can be multi-talented when it comes to anger..

Manik, didn't bother to stop punching his poor punching-bag. He was quiet frustrated, after today's incident. The feeling that he had when he was kissed on his cheeks, call it an accident, but still, it was a cheek kiss, was something he could call, ravishing.

Yes, he was been kissed before too, come on, he had a girlfriend who was with him only for fame, money and sex. So, she can't just keep her hands and lips off his body, especially when he's hot. All thanks to Nyonika's teachings that, he didn't agree for sex or make out until they get married which was a like a bomb dropped on her head, for Alya, his ex-girlfriend. So, she had to agree to it while putting up a fake smile on her face..

But, he never felt any kind of emotions in him when Alya ever kissed him. Yes, he loved her, or precisely, he believed that he was in love with her, so he should feel so beautiful when he shares a kiss with her, but he never did. In fact, it was always her who initiated their kisses. He couldn't even respond properly to any kind of body contact with her, he always excuses himself when it comes to physical relationship..

But then today, the girl, whom he disliked has kissed him, but instead of getting angry at her, he simply walked out of the washroom and started assaulting his punching bag..

And finally, he put an end to it..

Manik ( distressed ): What's happening to me..?? Why..? Why didn't I react when she kissed me, okay, that was by accident, but still her lips were on my cheeks. That's an intimate moment and I should have shouted at her, but instead I was lost in her touch..Why..?? Even with Alya, I have never felt such a thing..What do we call this feeling..? Ugh...Nandiniiiii....You're making it hard for me..No Manik, you shouldn't fall in another trap. Girls are trouble, they would simply use you and throw when they feel it's enough with playing with our emotions..You just need to ignore her and kill this feeling..That's it..

He, walked out of the Gym in determination to ignore Nandini. Is that possible for Manik Malhotra to ignore Nandini Manik Malhotra..??

In MaNan's Bedroom

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