1: Interrogation

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(Chapter one! I hope you guys enjoy! This was quite a fun chapter to start with. Akechi is so conniving! >: )

I'm currently just starting Persona 5 Royal, so this story will run based on the Persona 5 game. Please be wary of spoilers if you haven't yet played as this could go into those!

Let me know what you think. Akechi is fun to write!)

(Akechi P.O.V)

It was a rainy Sunday morning in Yongen. I'd crossed the city by train today, deciding I'd rather hop into the underground to stay dry; though normally I'd just flag a taxi and go directly to my destination that way.

But alas, even as the summer rain showered the warm city, I felt like stretching my legs and walking some. Mind you, this trip was special after all, it wasn't just for anything. I wasn't one to waste time or effort on anything that wouldn't be of value.

My wet footsteps tapped through the alleyway as I made my way to the cafe. I noticed the familiar red awning hanging over the door.

Cafe LeBlanc. Just the place to indulge my itch for a strong, sweet coffee, and some educated conversation.

Lowering my clear plastic umbrella, I tapped it against the siding by the door to shake off the access rain. From there, I took the handle and let myself in. The welcoming 'ding!' of the bell sounded at my entrance, reminding me it was time for that heartwarming Akechi smile.

I took a single deep breath in that instant.


"Ah, morning!"

I cheerfully greeted the man behind the counter. Except this time, it wasn't Sakura-san, the older gentleman that owned the cafe.

It was the young teenager, about one year my junior, quietly working away at some dishes while the coffee dripped in the carafe beside him.

His dull grey eyes looked up from his work as I entered. In that moment I saw his expression turn for a second. I could tell he recognized me.

"Morning." Was all he replied.

"That's funny, I recognize you. You're the guy from the tv station, correct? I saw you were on a field trip that day.." My tone of voice mused how comedic it was to see an old acquaintance working in one of the best coffee shops in town. What a perfect surprise.

Except, it really wasn't a surprise at all.

The man continued washing dishes. He looked up again to me as I sat down at the bar stool infront of him.

"Yes, I was there."

So he really was a quiet one. Time to ramp up the charm.

I placed one elbow on the bar and leant my head against it curiously.

"It's a shame I can't remember your name. I feel like Aiyama-kun is close though.."

"Amamiya, Ren." Drying the last plate, I watched him put it away in the stacks of other plates, then take out a fresh coffee cup, signalling me to place my order.

"Dark roast, two sugar, Ren-kun." I smiled broadly.

"Sakura-san and yourself truly have the cafe market cornered in this side of town. I've tried all the cafes around here, and none make the quality coffee you do." I began making small talk as Ren poured the coffee into the white mug. As I watched, I could see he was utterly focused on such a small task.

He'd learned well. His training was unwavering, even in the most tedious of tasks.

"Sojiro-san has a passion for coffee. He wants that to show in his business." Ren placed the steaming mug infront of me, then flipped the tea towel he'd used for dishes over his shoulder casually. From there, he took out another mug and began pouring his own serving.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now