》Chapter Seventeen 《

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I sat against the wall, while the lights were off, in an elevator, with two strangers who were doing who knows what! I was not planning my evening to go like this, neither was I expecting to meet Dylan O'brien, Thomas Sangster, and Tyler Posey.. but I guess that is besides the point.. but wait. What if I get to meet Kaya Scold-a-something! (yes i know her real last name) I mean come on, she is queen.

I pulled out my phone and texted Jackson who was probably going to be a big butt and not answer my texts or just reply stupidly, so who else can I text? I have no other friends other than Izzy who I currently don't like, Jackson is a butthead, Sean doesn't have a phone, Dylan was no help at all.. what other friends do I have?!

I cringed at myself as I put my phone away remembering I can not text anyone because I have no friends. "Why has it come down to this?" I asked as I dragged my hands down all the buttons. And guess what happened next? The doors opened. Wow, Britton. Just wow.

Light filled the room and I could see that Jack with the brown hair was hugging Jack with blonde hair for dear life while Jack with blonde hair was pushing him off.. thats interesting. "I'm just gunna go.." I said but Jack with blonde hair stopped me.

"Whats your number?"

I looked back at him. "867-5309"

(It's a song don't call it.. take it from someone who's dad has tried)

He nodded and pulled out as I began to walk away. That would be so awesome if right now a firey explosion exploded behind me as I walked, you know. Like in the movies where the person is walking and a firey explosion is behind them. It looks so fricken awesome.

So I was on floor four, the elevator is haunted by a demonic spirit. I guess I have to take the stairs, I mean they are also demons but they are not as demonic as the elevator. Or maybe I should just jump out the window.. nah. I'm to lazy.

I walked towards the staircase and began to walk down. Step by step. This was going to take awhile...

It took me about ten minutes but I was finally half way there. I just got to finish and I will be at the bottom.. and then I have to walk the rest of the way home. Dang it. I had finally reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the lobby and out the front doors and into the warm air that was full of sunshine and vanilla.

Nope, just kidding. It was cold as ever and the wind made it seem way colder than what it was. "Oh my good- dog!" I shouted as I stepped outside instantly grabbing my arms and rubbing them trying to get some heat. Great, I left my coat at home and Dylan drove me here so I don't have a car.

Wow. Just wow, Britton.

I began to slowly walk in the cold wind as I began my oh so very fun journey home. "Wait!" I heard a voice call. "Britton!" It shouted. I looked back and saw him running towards me. I mean, it would be pretty amazing if it was Thomas but nope. It was Dylan. Dylan O'brien.

"Dylan! Thank the gods!" I shouted as I ran my frozen butt over to him and hugged him. Score! Number one I was finally some what warm and two I was hugging fricken Dylan O'brien! "I thought I'd never feel warmness again!" I mumbled into his jumper.

"You didn't think I would let you leave without giving me a hug, now would you?" I laughed at him as we pulled apart. "Need a ride?"

I laughed. "Sure, why not." I said on the outside, but on the inside I would've been clinging onto his jumper and screaming to never let me go..

We got in his jeep and he drove me home. As we got out of the jeep my brother came running out of the house crying.. oh gods.



(I'll tell ya what I want what I really really want)

What do you think happened *picture a scares monkey emoji right here*

and remember...


Skype 》Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now