》Chapter Three《

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I grabbed my maths book out of my locker before slamming it shut. I was a bit startled to find Izzy standing there; even though she does it nearly every day. "Holy mother of phalanx! Hey there Izzy, didn't see you.." I mumbled as I looked at her, her blue eyes locked in mine. "..standing there.." I said not liking the awkward silence between us.

Izzy finally spoke. "You didn't call me last night."

"No, no I didn't." I said, shaking my head as I began to walk away from my locker. Izzy quickly followed behind me trying to get answers as to why I hadn't called her last night. "And if you ask why I didn't call you-" I was cut off by Izzy.

Izzy poked at her nails trying to dig out dirt from under them as we walked down the crowded hallways. "Why didn't you call me?" She asked as she paused in the hallways as if she was waiting for me to answer. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I stopped beside her.

"-I wouldn't answer you." I finished what I had been trying to say before. Izzy rolled her eyes at me. The crowds in the hallway were now cleared out and it was only Izzy and I standing there when the bell screamed, telling us we were late to class.

We both jogged down the hallways before we walked into the maths classroom and took our usual spots next to eachother. "Miss Zehr and Miss Grimm, late again are we?" Mr. Angel (not quite an angel if you ask me.. or anyone else for that matter) spoke up as I took out a pencil.

I leaned back in my wooden chair trying to get myself comfortable. "Yup." I stated casually, not popping the 'p'. I hate it when people did that.

"That's your 7th Tardy, you do realize that's a detention, am I right?"

I nodded my head in amusement. "Indeed I do."

Mr. Angel rolled his eyes and sighed as he studied the class. "Who got their homework done?" He asked. Everyone but me ,and some acne-faced kid known as Billy, rose their hands. "Miss Zehr, when will you start getting your homework turned in?" He asked me ignoring the fact that the other kid didn't do his either.

"The day I kiss Thomas Brodie-Sangster." I smirked.

Izzy decided to take this time to chime in. "Also known as never." I glared and elbowed her in the side. She let out a small giggle as she gripped her side. "Aye, I am only stating the truth." Little did she know I had talked to his roomy last night.

Mr. Angel rolled his eyes. "Looks like I might have to phone your parents."


"Okay?" Mr. Angel acted like he expected a bit more than an 'okay'. "Whatever, we need to start class." Mr. Angel sighed. "What is the probability of-"

And that was when I zoned put. It was as if I was placed in a Peanuts comic, all the teacher was saying was 'blah blah blah'.

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