》Chapter Twenty Two 《

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"Hey, Britton." The girl Jessica whispered waking me up. I grunted and turned on my side opening my eyes to see Dylan. I screamed and jumped up with Jessie laughing at me. I growled and noticed we were still in our treehouse.

Dylan shot up screaming and swatting his hands in the air. "No, no! Back off! Aah get off!" He opened his eyes to see me and Jessica giving him that 'we just got blackmail' look. Dylan awkwardly stood up and brushed himself off. "Well than, none of you saw that." Jessica smiled.

"Of coarse we didn't..." I grinned at Dylan. "We didn't see anything." I mumbled as Jessica and I gave eachother an evil grin and a highfive.

Jessica and I grinned at eachother as we climbed down from the treehouse. Dylan quickly followed after us. "Hey wait up!" He shouted as he got his foot entangled in the rope.

"No." I said sternly.

Jessica laughed as she went back to help him. Good idea, I thought we were friends gosh darnit Jessie. "Thanks." Dylan said as he watched her untangle the rope. Some may call it cute but Imma just say he is being a complete stalker and not watch younger children like that unless he wants someone to call the police. Which would be me. I would find it quite funny to see Dylan arrested.

"Welcome." Jessica said as she looked in his eyes. Thid would be the time people would take a picture with the caption 'aww' but this is a time when I took a picture and posted it on instagram with the caption 'make it stop eww gross'. I tagged Dylan in it.

I was going to do something when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I instantly freaked and hit whoever it was. It happened to be Maybelle.

Can she get hit by a bus already my gosh.

"Oops I'm sorry." I said and muttered a quiet 'not'. Maybelle let out scream so loud I bet Narnians could hear. Thomas who was standing out in the distance shot his head in our direction. Oh nuggets.

Maybelle fell to the ground for some unknown reason. I looked at Thomas who was running towards us. Me not knowing what to do looked to my left and started sprinting away from Maybelle and Thomas. Dylan and Jessica were not far behind me and neither was Thomas and Maybelle. Why were those buttheads chasing me? Well, at least May is a butthead. Thomas just can't see threw her beloated head.

I was looking behind me and wasn't paying much attention so I ran into a glass window. What the nuggets? I looked through it to see a concession stand. I quickly went behind the counter and hid. The lady gave me a weird look but I shushed her. I heard people enter and I held my breath.

"Darn it, she isn't here!" I heard Thomas sigh in frustration.

"Where is that floosy?" Maybelle whispered close to the counter. I was stupid and popped my head up from behind the counter.

"Floosy!?" I shouted at her.

Thomas looked over but I quickly ducked back down. "Who said that?" He asked.

The lady coughed. "Me. Such a quiant word." I mentally thanked the lady. Soon Thomas and Maybelle I sighed thankful.

I walked out from behind the counter and Jessica and Dylan were talking about who knows what. "Floosy" I suddenly heard Dylan said in a high pitched girl voice.

"Such a quiant word.." Jessica said in a little girl tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and dance." I said.


I just ignored them and sat down in the booth.

sorry it took me so long heh heh

1) what age should thomas be? 24 and 17 don't mix well

2) i am writing luke korns fanfiction

if you don't know him check em' out

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