Bloodshot (2020)

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The Matrix inside out: the superhero movie Vin had to have because he wasn't in Hobbs & Shaw.

Did you know The Matrix is 21 years old? There are kids out there drinking who are younger than it. At the time it was an amazing piece of internetsky-philosophy, for sure. None of us really knew how the net worked, or how, and so those green text on black screens seemed kinda cool. And dodging bullets in slo-mo, that was truly groundbreaking. But the thing is, we've had the net for so long now, and none of us has yet been awoken to a world of slimy tubes. Unless we've had a particularly suss dream. I digress. A lot.

Bloodshot. It's kind of just a reworking of the ideas of The Matrix, in many ways, but this time instead of the main guy being held inside an AI controlled complex, this time they're nanobots in his blood. There's a baddy, props to Guy Pearce, who is sort of controlling this reanimation of dead soldiers by nanobot.

Now I don't know if it's me, if it's the new tv, if it's still coming to terms with things not being super-mega-big at the cinemas, but I kind of got a bit bored of this. Maybe it didn't really do much new? Maybe it did a lot of old? Hobbs & Shaw is definitely better for alt-superheroes. I even think I prefer XXX... and that's really saying something. If you asked me to recount the plot I honestly don't think I could.

J* gives it 3 stars.

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