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Watching the lights touches the City of Gold was always the kind of show no mortal would want to miss. Rays of light reflected on towers of the purest metal, so bright it would burn every human's eyes. Asgard, where Odin, the Father of all Things, rules over the Nine realms with his wife Frigga.
Some Asgardians may consider this sight as an old friend but not him.

He always watched the sun rises as if it was the hope he kept on waiting. Each time the fire ball would go up, another day full of surprises was ahead. And yet... sorrow was never far in his eyes. No Mask could hide pain forever even after years of practice. Trails of fears were the reason why his shoulder would bend when no one was watching. Moments of weakness stolen in the night, moments forgotten each time the morning light would appear. Forgetting and going. The only to survive in a world you were not made for.

The City would soon be filled with life, joyful life ready to explore the new day. This everyday scene would break a smile on his face. A shy one, almost undetectable to one's eye but a real one. At least, they all seemed free and happy from up here and that was all he ever needed. He handed out his hand to let it be touched by the light. In this very moment, it could do anything he want, be everything and nothing at the same time, be just... him.

A voice suddenly could out his name, breaking the fantasy. The harsh reality would soon catch him again with its furious wrath. And it would break him a little more, taking another piece of his soul. A shadow crossed his face as the thought of all he had already lost game into his mind. A part of him wanted to persuade him that it was only apart of his imagination, but a louder part wanted to denounce the injustice he felt everyday. He knew he was loved anyway but he just couldn't get himself to wrap his head around this idea.

He slowly rose from the window sill, acting by habits. He was already fully dressed and ready to go for quite a long time but he always waited to be summoned to come out. His mother was waiting for him on the other side of the door. He knew this day was special nonetheless it was the first time in years that his mother personally came to get him. She looked radiant in a white silk dress. It was embodied with golden threads catching every rays in the horizon. As theirs eyes met, a mysterious smile spread on her face. When his would always look thoughtful, his mother's kept a mesmerizing haze he never quite understood. She gently took his arm and lead him down the corridor. Everything looked glorious, from the high windows to the heavy wall hangings telling a story he knew by heart. The legacy he would have to carry on for another lifetime was reminded to him everywhere he looked.
He only wished to escape from this golden prison where he somehow knew he could never grow. However he couldn't leave his mother, she has always stood by his side all of his life. He could never leave her behind even though she would want him to be happy.

They silently walked through the long corridors. He was trying to decide which outcome he should bet on. His father was unpredictable in a lot of ways but he seemed to be often right about a certain subject. A subject his brother was often wrong about. He didn't knew if it was out of sympathy or stupidity as he never truly tried to know.
His brother was a difficult puzzle to his eyes. He frequently thought he solved it just to find another layer to it. At a first glance, you couldn't guess there were more to him than what your eyes could perceive but he also learned you could not fully understand someone out of a glance. He knew that, because everybody was trying with him. He nearly always observed that people were even more interesting in learning his deepest thoughts than his brother's. Nevertheless, he didn't know if he ought to take it as a compliment or as an insult. Probably both.

Two wooden doors carefully embodied with shapes of flowers was standing between him and his fate. Two guards were waiting ready to open it upon them. But he wasn't so sure anymore. Long rooted doubts came back rushing into his mind, reminding him all of his mistakes. Mistakes that could easily change the weight on the scale to either his advantage or disadvantage.

As if she sensed his feelings, his mother adjust her position on his arm. He took a deep breath before sliding between the two heavy doors to the council room. This room seemed very plain in comparaison of the whole palace but it was his father's desire to be sure anyone's attention in this room was drawn toward the matter in hand. Today's was his brother and him. The long table of dark wood surrounding by chairs was as imposant as was his father. He was looking at the city below from the window. Even though you could see the weight of years and choices on his face, something that was rarely shown, the majesty of his aura was still palpable. His mother left his side to go greet her husband. She was, as always, very gentle towards him slipping a few words to his attention. Then his look soon drafted from his parents to his brother only to meet a pair of blue eyes. He was watched as well. When he thought he would see anger targeting him, he saw a lake as deep as the ocean but as calm as the land. It was rare for him not to be able to read his brother every expression. He often like to think of him as an open book nearly forgetting his brother knew more about tricks than he would like the world to know.

His father suddenly turned to face them both, his brow furrowed by thoughts burning his skin even deeper as days went. He dreaded this moment, as everyone in this room and yet he couldn't find any comfort in the familiar faces surrounding him. When did they all grew so apart? When was even the last time he cared?
Now was too late to regret all past decisions. Today marked the beginning of a new era for his brother and him. He just hoped it would have a bright start.

- I have finally reached a decision, declared his father solemnly. Your mother and I both agree on it and we want you to know that it is final.
We are very aware of all the effort you put into it, both of you. And we are very proud. But only one of you can go on this diplomatic mission.

His father turned to his wife who announced with a smile :
- Loki.

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