19: Author's Note

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Save draft. 

I gently shut the lid to my laptop, awash with the feeling of accomplishment. Chapter 20, all but finished. Just one little edit to go. 

And of course, the publicity tour to plan. Toby Masters couldn't wait forever.

Footsteps outside the door.

I didn't even have to turn around to know what coming. 

It was a regular occurrence these days, the fighting more subdued each time as they fell further and further into the pages of the novel. But they still came none the less.

"Seaweed brain! Trust me, she hasn't done anything. She never even tries to update these days."

"You never know, Annabeth, you never know with that girl. Besides why do you have to be right alllll the time."

The voices came ever closer, the characteristic back and forth of the couple never resting. I suppose respecting privacy wasn't demigod code, for a long while now they hadn't bothered to knock. The door to my bedroom swung open, and the argument entered the room.

"Percy. There is absolutely no chance that blue cookies will bribe her any more than my promise of four A stars in these stupid A levels she's abandoned us for. Even my mom offered."

Her grey eyes scanned the room, coming to rest on me as I pulled out my dreaded copy of the Age of Innocence, ready to get back to the equally horrible activity that was revision. 

"Oh, hi." She said shortly.

"Hi Lara." Percy added, slightly more jovial. He was ever the optimist.

"Hey guys, don't suppose you're here to ask me to write another chapter are you?" I teased, hiding my smirk in the pages of Edith Wharton's seminal work.

Percy stood in the corner, fidgeting as Annabeth elbowed him sharply, a clear warning not to speak. Instead she met me with an expectant glare, awaiting an answer.

"Well... You might just be in luck." I said.

A glimmer of hope flashed past her eyes, before the light dimmed and her eyes returned to their doubtful stare. Percy, glanced at her, a momentary I told you so.

Finally he cut in.

"Who's that guy with the headphones at the door?"

"Ah Percy, thats the catch." I began, putting aside my revision for a moment. 

"Theres always a catch." Huffed Annabeth.

"The guy with the headphones at the door, is Toby Masters, a YouTuber."

Annabeth rolled her eyes,

"Another thing to ignore us for, of course." She turned on her heel.


She rolled her eyes. 

"What now, Seaweed brain."

"The catch? What's the catch." 

"YouTube," I began, "Is where you are going next. I'm about to record an interview, about the very book you just came here from."

They looked sceptically across at me.

"If the video gets 3000 thumbs up," I continued, "And all the lovely readers like and subscribe to Toby's channel, I might just publish the chapter I just finished."

"The chapter that you just finished?!" Percy exclaimed. "See Annabeth, I knew it, I told you, and I didn't even have to give her the cookies."

"That's right." I told him, "Chapter 20, resolving that cliffhanger too..."

The two exchanged a glance.

"Where's the link!" Demanded Annabeth, "Everyone HAS to watch it." She paced around the room, fiddling with the the celestial bronze hilt poking out of her pocket. 

"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_aI2-RD7HQ&feature=youtu.be" I recited with an air nonchalance, "if you really are the smartest daughter of Athena, as you so often tell me, then remember that."

"Don't worry, I will." She retorted, mouthing the link back to herself, determined not to forget.

"Good, so I expect that everyone, including all those readers you said you were in touch with watch it then." I said. Percy grinned at me.

"I'll send it to Chiron right away, he knows loads of people."

"Good!" I said, standing up to hurry them out of the door, "and don't even think about coming back until we reach the target."

The demigods reluctantly began to exit, glancing back at my laptop and my discarded revision notes with renewed hope. Secretly, I felt the same. I knew it wouldn't be easy to achieve, but I knew that the interview would be something to remember. The door to the book was half shut now.

"Oh, and Percy, you mentioned blue cookies..."

Legit A/N: yes kiddos you heard me. Watch the video for more chapters - the bribery is alive and kicking, what else would you expect from a daughter of Athena, after all, my mother bribed the whole of the city of Athens...

Here's the link one more time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_aI2-RD7HQ&feature=youtu.be

Now you can find out what I actually sound and look like!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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