Chapter 4: Evening Meals

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"Lily! Sapphire!" Gajeel yelled.

"Get out of there, now!" Levy shouted.

With another loud roar, the minotaur tried to snatch the gemstone from the exceeds. Pantherlily then transformed and managed to punch the minotaur before it could snatch the gemstone. The beast was sent back a step and charged at Pantherlily, but the cat blocked him while protecting Sapphire and the gemstone.

"Sapphire, head to the door," Pantherlily told the purple cat. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"Okay." Sapphire sprouted her wings and desperately tried to carry the very heavy stone. Seeing her struggle, Levy came to her aid and helped her carry it. "Thanks, Lev," she said.

The minotaur attempted to run after Sapphire and Levy but failed when Gajeel attacked him with his iron dragon roar.

"You're not going anywhere." Gajeel smirked.

The minotaur crashed into the wall, creating cracks in the structure. He got back up and charged at the black cat and Gajeel, so they charged back. The three sparred for a little while, punch after punch, kick after kick. The beast soon gathered speed and started attacking them faster. The wizards managed to keep up with his movements.

"Damn this is annoying." Gajeel remarked.

"Well, let's give him a final attack." Pantherlily smirked.

"Sounds good to me. Gihee." Gajeel then yelled, "Iron dragon, sword!!!"

Pantherlily grabbed his sword, and both wizards jumped in midair, ready to finish this fight. They launched themselves back down to the minotaur and slashed him with their swords. The beast let out a loud groan and fell to the floor. Gajeel and Pantherlily stood proudly with their arms crossed, pleased at what they've done. They walked back over to the girls, and Gajeel took the gemstone from them.

"You did it!" Sapphire exclaimed with a big smile.

"Great job you guys!" Levy exclaimed.

Suddenly, the group heard a familiar growl, making them turn around. They saw that the minotaur had gotten up from the floor.

"Not giving up huh?" Pantherlily asked.

The beast let out a groan and ran towards the group with his eyes fixed on Gajeel. The iron mage got in a battle stance, ready to block the minotaur, but Levy had jumped in front him.

"Levy?" He questioned.

"Solid script magic, thunder!!!" Levy shouted, and the word "thunder" appeared in the air, sending thunder strikes down on the minotaur. The attack had shocked the minotaur multiple times and sent it crashing into the floor. This made a huge hole in the floor and in the floors underneath, and the beast was passed out on the first floor.

"Wow," said Sapphire in amazement.

The two exceeds flew the two wizards out of the building, and they all took a train back to the client. They returned the gemstone to him, filling him up with gratitude. The client thanked them for their services and gave them their reward. To celebrate their victory, they decided to spend their reward money by going out to dinner. So, they took another train to the Hargeon Restaurant.


"Gajeel, slow down," Levy pleaded. "You're gonna be sick."

  Gajeel was munching on his food as if he hasn't eaten in days. He had a plate filled with steak, greens, mash potatoes with gravy, and a few other servings of food. He swallowed a piece of steak and turned to look at Levy.

"Well how else do ya expect me to get stronger, Lev?" Gajeel asked. "I gotta eat sooner or later."

"That's not what I meant." Levy let out a sigh.

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