Chapter 3: I'll Always be There For You

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"Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap! What the hell just happened!?!" both dragons slayers thought.

Both mages were contemplating about the fact that Sting had groped Sophia's left breast. Then, she moaned.

After they both screamed, Sophia pushed Sting away from her and ran inside the bathroom. She then slammed the door shut, leaving Sting in his office. They were so embarrassed.

Now, it has been five whole minutes since the incident. It was dead quiet between the two dragon slayers. Suddenly, Sting pushed down most of the blush on his face and spoke up.

"Hey, So So," he started. "Ya still in there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here," Sophia replied.

"Phew, good. For a second there, I thought you ditched me."

"What? No! Of course not."

"That's good to hear."

There was another silent, but short moment between them until Sting spoke up again.

"Listen, Sophia," he paused. "I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. I never meant to touch you like that. It was an accident."

Sophia opened the door after hearing Sting's apology. She closed the door behind her and sat in front of him. She grabbed his left cheek and smiled.

"Sting, it's okay. I forgive you," she said genuinely.

"Really?" he questioned with a little surprise.

"Yeah. I mean, it was an accident; plus you apologized. Also, I didn't realize where your hand was until i felt something warm and soft. Guess that makes me kinda oblivious huh?" She blushed a little.

"Oh God. Did I just call his hand warm and soft?" she thought.

"To be fair, I didn't realize it either at first. So I guess we're both oblivious idiots."

"Excuse me? You're the idiot!"

"You're more of an idiot than me!"

"Am not!" Sophia got a little closer to his face.

"Are too!" Sting did the same as Sophia.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Both wizards were now at each other's faces. For a brief second, they stared into each other's eyes and were meters away from each other's lips. Instead of what could've been a kiss, they laughed at their childish argument.

"We sound like five-year-olds! Sophia giggled.

"I know!" Sting held his stomach.

After they settled down, Sting looked at the skirt of Sophia's dress. He noticed that there was a pink smoothie stain on it.

"Guess the rest of the smoothie created a stain, huh?" He gestured towards her dress.

"Ah man." Sophia examined the spot.

"Hey, it's okay. I could wash it for ya." He gestured to himself.

"Nah, it's okay."

"No, seriously. I could just lend you one of my shirts."

"Really? Thanks."

Sting got up off the floor and walked to the closet on the other side of the room. After realizing what he said, a puzzled look popped on Sophia's face.

"Wait, what do you mean one of your shirts?" she asked.

"Is he gonna take his shirt off?!" She blushed at the thought.

Fairy Tail: The Love of a Family (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now