"Make yourself at home". He said, turning his computer on. I watched him slip his jacket off and hang it up. He was so neat. He leaned on the desk and started to type and I watched his muscles flex in his shirt. He was wearing a black baseball Tee and some dark jeans, along with some red vans.

I licked my bottom lip and bit it, No. I shook my head and looked around the room, noticing the posters across the wall. I needed to get my mind right. "Can I go the bathroom?". I asked, he pointed to the door on the right and I quickly got up and closed the door behind me. I looked in the mirror and turned the water on to wash my face.

I needed to relax. That was all. I adjusted my sweater and leaned on the counter taking a deep breath.

Micah, get it together. Point blank period. Period.

I nodded my head and pointed at the mirror. "I'm a bad bitch". I whispered to myself. I adjusted my pants and turned the water off after wiping my face dry. I opened the door and found him changing his shirt. Sweet Jesus. I cleared my throat just as he put on a plain black shirt. He had already changed into some pajamas pants.

"Every thing alright?". He asked, giving me a look. "Yeah, too much studying". I joked. Getting back on the bed, he sat beside me . We were both sitting on the edge next to each other looking at the notes. He smelt soooo good. I blinked my eyes a few time. I could not concentrate. I turned to him but noticed he was already looking at me.

"Larson..". I started, feeling my mouth get dry. I chewed the inside of my mouth as his eyes looked all over me. "Yeah?". He asked. I leaned in closer, any movement and my lips would be against his.






I pressed my lips against his, dropping the notebook on the floor. I whimpered as he deepened the kiss, cupping my cheek in his hand. He held it firmly and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I reached to touch his chest but he grabbed my hands by the wrist and pinned me down. He was breathing right in my face and I inhaled it all.

"What is it Micah?". He asked, looking down at me. I was gonna get mad, he knew what I wanted. I was gonna snap and just leave. I was getting so mad. "You know what I want". I cried. as he pressed against me. Something in his eyes changed and he growled. "No, please enlighten me". I don't beg. I don't..maybe this one time I could.


I gave him a dull expression. "I don't budge". He said. And I shoved him off of me. "I don't need you". I said, sitting up.

Or did you?

"No I don't". I snapped, realizing I answered my own question. "You know what, I don't need any of this . I don't okay. And I don't even want a relationship. I don't need ANY of thi-". He cut me off by smashing his lips against mine . He pinned me down with more force and I let out a muffled moan. I tugged on his bottom lip and he licked my top teeth.

His heavy breathing was gonna send me over the edge. He placed his elbows on both side of me and groaned. "Where is this going?". He asked. Rubbing against me. Oh he felt good against me, he was big. I was having an internal battle right now. "You're trying so hard to push me away because you don't want to get hurt again, so you're trying to hurt me before I can hurt you. But I won't hurt you, never on purpose". He said, kissing my forehead.

I froze trying to stop my eyes watering. I was just trying to have a drama free year. I was only sixteen and so much has already happened. "Do you want me Micah?". He asked. And I felt myself shake. I know I wanted him inside of me, that's for sure. I had no idea how it would go. I don't know what he had over me but I nodded my head quickly.

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